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S> Ats and Mgs Items 128 132 Drop and Dnt

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Jav 130+22 Dnt Ats = 3.5kc

Brac 132 BSM Dnt Ats = 2k SOLD

Boots 132 BSM Dnt Ats = 3kc SOLD

Gaunt 132 Mgs BSM Drop = 1.3kc SOLD

Staff 130+20(-1-0) Mgs Drop = 2gb

Wand 122+19 Mgs Perf 77tal = 2kc

Shield 120+22 Dnt Ats = 3k SOLD

Set Boss 3 k9 Dnt BSM = 9.2k SOLD

Sword 122+22 k9 Dnt = 3kc  SOLD

Robe 132+22 Prs Dnt = 4kc SOLD

Orb 132+22 Prs Dnt = 4kc SOLD

Robe 128+21 Mgs Drop 2.5kc SOLD

Orb 128+21 Mgs Drop 2.5k SOLD

Throne Amulet Mgs clean 1.1kc SOLD

Throne Sheltom Mgs Clean 1.1kc SOLD

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Jav 130+22 Dnt = 4kc

Shield 120+22 Dnt = 3.5k

Brac 132 BSM Dnt = 2.5k

Boots 132 BSM Dnt = 3kc


All ns? Wow, you have money to burn.

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Robe 132+22 Prs Dnt = 5kc

Orb 132+22 Prs Dnt = 5kc

Please do a discount  :-[ :-*


4k for robe + 4k for orb

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Robe 132+22 Prs Dnt = 5kc

Orb 132+22 Prs Dnt = 5kc

Please do a discount  :-[ :-*


4k for robe + 4k for orb


Ok feioso so mandar pm qnd me ver logado amanha u.u

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Robe 132+22 Prs Dnt = 5kc

Orb 132+22 Prs Dnt = 5kc

Please do a discount  :-[ :-*


4k for robe + 4k for orb


Ok feioso so mandar pm qnd me ver logado amanha u.u

Ok, Feioso nãoooooooo u.u



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2k pela bota 132 ata?


Jav 130+22 Dnt = 4kc

Shield 120+22 Dnt = 3.5k

Brac 132 BSM Dnt = 2.5k

Boots 132 BSM Dnt = 3kc

Set Boss 3 k9 Dnt BSM = 9.2k SOLD

Sword 122+22 k9 Dnt = 3kc  SOLD

Robe 132+22 Prs Dnt = 4kc SOLD

Orb 132+22 Prs Dnt = 4kc SOLD

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