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New to the server few questions

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i just have a few questions regarding different things


1) how often does maintenance happen and is there a normal time frame for these


2) with this extended maintenance is there a up time ETA


3) I originally played priston tale from back in the day on pay to play servers do the skills work the same way or are they manipulated


4)Is there online documentation about leveling and perhaps some hints and advice


5) and is there a place where i can view what drops where or atleast what level drops to expect in certain zones



Thank You

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1- Maintenances happens when a patch is comming out, once every 2 weeks in general time, maybe more.


2- Generally there isn't a specific timer on when the server will come up, but this patch will take a little long due to the content it will add/


3- I didn't understand your question


4-5- There is aboslutely everything you need on the website, just need to check it out and i'm sure you didn't otherwise you wouldn't ask. From the level of each map to the level of the drops each map can provide, an all what you need about each feature there is on the server, from mixing to respec.


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Thank you for your answers and to clarify question 3.


do the skills function the same way as the original realm pt. ( it auto corrects PT or RPT  so i meant the original game haha the pay to play one) do they hit the same speed are the delays the same  do they do the same damage.


and just a follow up on maintenance whats the "average" time of maintenance



Thank you again.

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Oh, the term "realm" is specific to this server, the original game is or ept(europe PT), just to clarify xD


As for the skills, nope, most of their effects/delay is modified here in order to have a more balanced game, and there is also a Tier5 of skills (not fully completed) with customized skills that exist only here.


There is no average time for maintenance, really. You just have to wait, usually takes some hours.

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I made it so that "priston tale" no longer automatically changes to "realm" just now. It could get confusing sometimes.


Also, welcome. :) Jewelz answers are mostly correct.

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Thank you    would you care to elaborate on the answers


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