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ai rành về rune cho hỏi ti !!!

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- 1 la do` age mix roi minh sai (3 loai rune bt spec, requ, base) co' duoc. khong ???

- 2 la class rune :

VD: minh co cai axe 130 + 20 per nha minh sai rune mgs thi no' ra staff 130 per + 20 hay sao nhi :D

- hihi cai nay` chua dam thu nghiem vi` class rune mac' wa', sr unikey no bi gi` viet tieng' viet khong dc

- Thanks


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- 1 la do` age mix roi minh sai (3 loai rune bt spec, requ, base) co' duoc. khong ???

A: co the dung requ va spec

- 2 la class rune :

A: Axe dung duoc cho char nao thi moi respec ra duoc spec char do. MGS khong dung duoc axe. Con muon chuyen tu axe qua staff thi pm GM RalmPT (items can phai dnt)

VD: minh co cai axe 130 + 20 per nha minh sai rune mgs thi no' ra staff 130 per + 20 hay sao nhi :D

- hihi cai nay` chua dam thu nghiem vi` class rune mac' wa', sr unikey no bi gi` viet tieng' viet khong dc

- Thanks

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- 1 la do` age mix roi minh sai (3 loai rune bt spec, requ, base) co' duoc. khong ???

- 2 la class rune :

VD: minh co cai axe 130 + 20 per nha minh sai rune mgs thi no' ra staff 130 per + 20 hay sao nhi :D

- hihi cai nay` chua dam thu nghiem vi` class rune mac' wa', sr unikey no bi gi` viet tieng' viet khong dc

- Thanks


Rune spec+reque+base chi dung cho items clean, class rune co the dung doi spec items theo rune thoi , con axe sang vu khi khac thi phai donate va items phai donate moi chuyen duoc hinh nhu lai coin shop chuyen duoc :D

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- 1 la do` age mix roi minh sai (3 loai rune bt spec, requ, base) co' duoc. khong ???

- 2 la class rune :

VD: minh co cai axe 130 + 20 per nha minh sai rune mgs thi no' ra staff 130 per + 20 hay sao nhi :D

- hihi cai nay` chua dam thu nghiem vi` class rune mac' wa', sr unikey no bi gi` viet tieng' viet khong dc

- Thanks


Rune spec+reque+base chi dung cho items clean, class rune co the dung doi spec items theo rune thoi , con axe sang vu khi khac thi phai donate va items phai donate moi chuyen duoc hinh nhu lai coin shop chuyen duoc :D

requ + spec rune dung voi items mixed va aged duoc nha

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