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An idea

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Since suggestion board is temporary closed I will post here.

How about making Loc level 100 req?

Since 90-95 is so easy it will make Ice2 useless. I think it would better for the game and the economy if it would look like this:

Ice2 : 90

Kel cave: 95

LOC: 100

LT: 105

ET: 110


What do you think?

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Val has a high droprate and ice2 is already now useless.

But Im fine with req lvl change...

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addition to that

ET2 115

MD1 120

MD2 125


so each 5 level we with have a hunting map  ;)

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I was never a fan of md to be honest :P

I would rather see the new Dungeon map as the higest hunt map :)

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Maybe those pre aor maps could be something to consider, if they would be implemented inwtstandards.

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I dont want MD's. Terrible maps. Same with FS 1/2, NO PLEASE. Those maps ruined the exping balance.




Something new would be cool;)

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I dont want MD's. Terrible maps. Same with FS 1/2, NO PLEASE. Those maps ruined the exping balance.

Like I said:


Maybe those pre aor maps could be something to consider, if they would be implemented inwtstandards.


I meant, if these maps were rebalanced, they could be something to think about.


I dont want MD's. Terrible maps. Same with FS 1/2, NO PLEASE. Those maps ruined the exping balance.




Something new would be cool;)

and yes, new would be fine as well.

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I dont want MD's. Terrible maps. Same with FS 1/2, NO PLEASE. Those maps ruined the exping balance.


indeed they did in uPT, but we could balance them here..


but i don't like MD1/2 because they looks like Forgotten and Oasis.. it's really ugly to have two identical maps


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hey, my point is each 5 lvl a hunt map.

that will at least give some player motivation to level up.


the name i mentioned is just an example. important is the map lvl itself.

dont go too far...  :-X

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agree but wrong section think this goes into suggestions? :)

It's becoz suggestion section is temporaly closed, like it's mentioned on the head post.

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on new maps can use laxelore maps, a lot of maps from laxelore can be opened in 3DS and converted to ASE



and will be nice, u can drop some itens for u in ice2


maybe max drop is 85 or 90 itens

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Something like that will be good > 110 ET

                                          > 115 ET2

                                          > 115 Another kind of map , with a really good places for hunt


Btw xp maps can be something motivate to xp , like oasis, battlefield of the ancients etc that kind of maps :P

btw tha pre-aor maps are so bored XDDD!

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*& a true good & rare good drop :P in hunts maps  ;)

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;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Nice Idea Man


(o_0) bb

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LoStºPiKe[]" post="10386" timestamp="1262132708"]

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Nice Idea Man


(o_0) bb

^what's the nice idea?

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gz all


it's incredible ~


gz for what?

read the topic omg

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