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PoTW: How To Participate?

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Welcome to PoTW, the Picture of The Week contest!


PoTW is a weekly contest where players can submit a beautiful screen capture from the game, and get a chance to have his/her picture appearing on website!


Follow these 6 steps and you will be ready to participate in PoTW!


1. Read the Rules!


2. Chose a Wartale screenshot you made. You can find them in ../Wartale/save/screenshots/


3. Upload it


4. Post it in the current PoTW input topic with your character name (So, we can find you, if you are the lucky winner!)


5. Wait for the week to end


6. The winning picture will be on the Wartale Website and the player who took the screenshot will be rewarded with:

  • 1 Exp 24H Potion
  • 1 Third Eye 24H Potion


How do I take screenshots?


Here in Wartale we have an integrated screenshot function, it helps you to take screenshots much easier and better. There are two ways to take a screenshot, and both have their own function:

CTRL+END: Takes a screenshot without HUD

- This option is recommended for pleasurable screenshots, which example is used in PotW


CTRL+HOME: Takes a normal screenshot with time, date and server name

- This option is recommended for report related screenshots


Where are my screenshots?


They are rather easy to find; they should be placed in this folder: ../Wartale/save/screenshots/


How do I upload my screenshots, so I can post them on the forum?


This can be done in plenty of ways; here are some of the most common:

  • Some people are using online image sharing/hosting. We recommend imgur.com
  • Some people are using private servers


Well, it doesn’t really matter which one of them you are using, just remember to post the direct link of the screenshot, otherwise it won’t show up properly.


TIP: try using at least 1024 or 1280 screen resolution for better quality pictures!


Who chooses the winner?


All qualifying screenshots are collected by the PotW moderator and presented anonymously to Wartale[/member], who will make the impartial decision who wins and will deliver the prize. The PotW moderator then publicly announces the winner, publishes the winning screenshot on the main website and starts the next round!

Edited by Overlady
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