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About Assassins and Shamans drops and specs

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I want to remember RPT staff, regarding a very important topic.




When adding these two new characters, add it's items drop rates in the place of "air" ones.


I mean, instead of reducing current weapon drop rate to add Shamans and Assassins weapons, keep current drop rates, reduce the "air" chance, and put Shamans and Assassins weapons instead of air.



For example - Let's assume there is a 30% of dropping air, and 70% of droping weapons. If you add new Shaman and Assassins items inside of 70%, it will get even more difficult to get a specific weapon, like a Sword for Knights.


Taking this example value of 30% air and 70% of weapons, we have:


70% / 8 characters  =  8,75% of chance from dropping a specific weapon, like a sword. If RPT staff add Shaman and Assassins items to this 70%, it will be 70% / 10 characters = 7% of chance from dropping a specific weapon.



What I propose is this:


If there is a 30% of air, and 70% of weapons, REDUCE air chance from 30% to 17,5%, and increase weapon drop chance to 87,5. What will happen?


87,5% / 10 characters = 8,75%! It will keep the same current chance from getting a specific weapon.





Also, I want to add another suggestion:


When generating random specs from drop items and through Respec, do the same:


Add Shaman and Assassins spec chance from NS chance (aka No Spec).


The same math should work:


Using a item that have chance of having all character spec, like sheltoms:


If there, for example, 50% to get No Spec, and 50% to get a random spec, currently it is  6.25% to get a specific spec. Wartale needs to lower Non Spec chance from 50% to 37,5%, and raise Random Spec chance to 62.5%.


Again, this way, the chance from respec to a specific keeps the same as currently it is!



The math should be a little more complicated about items that have limited spec chances, like, for example, a Weapon that have Assassins, Pike and Mech spec.


Ex - Scythe that have 2 possible specs: Pike and Mechanician.


50% NS and 50% / 2 spec possibilities


From now on, if it have a chance of being Assassin Spec, It should be:


33,4% NS chance and  66,6 / 3 spec possibilities








To simplify what i'm saying, Wartale should add Random Weapon drop chance by:


NW = New Weapon Drop Rate

CW= Current Weapon Drop Rate

NA = New Air drop rate

CA = Current Air drop rate



NW = CW + (CW / 8 ) x 2


NA = CA - (CW / 8 ) x 2




The same goes from random specs when dropping items / respec:


C = Current Character Spec possibilities


N = New Character Spec possibilities


New Random Spec chance = (current spec chance / C) x N


New No Spec  chance = Current No Spec chance - (current spec chance / C) x N



Thanks for reading!




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I find it easier to be 70% air and 30% (10% Gold - 10% potions - 9% craps and 1% items good) it in maps 120 - 136. Map 136 have horrible drops taxe.

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Air drops shouldn't exist at all if you ask me

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My point isn't about gold or air, my point is to keep current chance of getting your weapon and your spec, with both Assassins and Shamans in the game.



To do so, Wartale needs to reduce Air and No spec chance and increase Weapon / Spec chance in pro-rata basis, like the math formula i showed.

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