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auto click

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Shaman Fighter


You must not use any unauthorized third party programs that directly/indirectly interfere with the gameplay of the server. To this extent, you may not make use of any automated programs such as bots, auto-clickers, and related programs.

You must not modify any part of the Wartale client in order to gain advantages.



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I hope you could make a exception. It is very tiring of having to click the right mouse button thousands of time when playing mag or pris or pike or any other char with an aoe skill. We still have to sit at the computer for potting after all

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auto-click is allowed as long as you do not stay afk


see this post from r1 in devlog 4




Back-end & anti-cheat upgrades


Sorry for the certain lack of fancy images this week, but this was really Wartale's week, and he's a coder, so as you might expect, his work basically consists of walls of text. Not very exciting for most people, but definitely super important! Anyway, earlier this week Wartale added a couple of extra new measures against anti-bots. Cheating isn't very common here in RPT, as 99% of the players that attempt to cheat immediately end up banned. Botting, on the other hand, is a bit harder to regulate, because we've chosen not to ban auto-clickers entirely, seeing as some players like to use them even though they're actively playing. As of now though, we've introduced a new way to detect whether the player is actually botting or not and if so, the game ignores all player input. That should make botting even rarer than what it already is.

Wartale has also further expanded our back-end with a lot more analytics so that we can have a greater insight of what's going on with the game. We can tell if and when players are disconnecting from the server, and that should help us find out why it happens, if it happens. These are small things that we like to keep track of so that we can always provide you with the best experience possible."


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