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I picked up a dagger... but the name of it was "cutter"?  is that just GMs renaming stuff to be funny or was there a purpose to it?

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The "official" original name for this sword is called dagger.... I was wondering if realmpt changed it to be unique or funny.

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The "official" original name for this sword is called dagger.... I was wondering if realmpt changed it to be unique or funny.

they changed it. the new class use daggers as weapons. they renamed the "original" dagger to cutter and made the level 0 dagger for the new class called "dagger". you can see it in the item list, click on weapons -> daggers -> view level 0 weapon

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not cutter from something more cute than other something, but cutter from that which cuts

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Some items were renamed due to the new weapons of the new classes :)


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The weapon you speak of is a sword in nature, and Assassins are unable to equip swords. With the introduction of actual Daggers to the game, keeping this sword with the name of "Dagger" would be a major design flaw that would only lead to confusion, hence why this problem was corrected by renaming the weapon to Cutter, as in, something that cuts. :)

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Well that explains it all lol.  I was just curious.  I remember I forget which server it was, but they renamed the faith wand to "pace wand", sphere wand to "spare wand", and fadeos to "green squares" just to be funny.  Thanks for everyones time to reply!

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