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[Guide] The Elysium Amulets Quest

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Since people are asking, here's a quick guide:


First, go to Lost Temple and talk to the Cursed Odessess NPC:








The amulets look like this:



The first one can be found on top of the Endless tower,

here's a video showing how to climb the tower:



keep in mind that having a high Speed helps climbing, so, grab your Soccer Shirts!


The second one can be found by going Northeast, under a fallen tree:




After you bring both amulets, the cursed NPC will reward you some exp (30b exp!) and give you a hint which could possible mean another quest!




If you can't pick up the item because it says it belongs to another player, forfeit the quest by visiting the npc again, relog, and start over.

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Is this a daily quest? one time quest only?


Just an one time quest.

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i cant take amulet i relog cancel Q take it again relog relog relog and i cant take the amulet... anyone know how to take? xD

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i cant take amulet i relog cancel Q take it again relog relog relog and i cant take the amulet... anyone know how to take? xD


try another sub-server

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i cant take amulet i relog cancel Q take it again relog relog relog and i cant take the amulet... anyone know how to take? xD


try another sub-server



Yea, i did it and it worked.


I canceled the quest and relogged to another server, started the quest again and it worked.

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i cant take amulet i relog cancel Q take it again relog relog relog and i cant take the amulet... anyone know how to take? xD


try another sub-server



Yea, i did it and it worked.


I canceled the quest and relogged to another server, started the quest again and it worked.


dont need cancel Quest.. xD!!

just relog and pick up amulet, it works  8)

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