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I need a GP (Gold) Donator! PLEASE READ

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Character's Name: MrRaiko (LVL 105 MECHANICIAN)

Fauvorite Server: Aprodithe


Hey all! im a lvl 105 Mechanician and im playing this game since 3 months...


The problem: I need atleast 30kk (not soo much) to aging... Im  too weak, seriously, in Land of Chaos, the enemies kills me with 6 attacks while i activated all my Pasives :c i have a lvl 95 Mech Spec. armour +1 and its poor, A lvl 100 Shield No Spec. +1 and its more poor than the Armour D:


Then: I need a good player, who can give me 25 - 30kk for: Aging - New Items - Sheltoms - Crystals... But... ¿How about you? I will prize the good player with a favour, any favour... Thank You!!!


Please, reply this Post and PM ME in the game, i will wait for a good FRIEND :3


-Thank you all!


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if you cant afford, work for it! :) (this rule applies to everything in life..)

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1.you don't do aging in the early levels be at least 130 and do aging.. you mix it.. enigma mix is alright

2.you have the advantage of being here in forum and know how to read and post so better check the MS Guide Spark mech in this forum

3.Mech can solo until 120 and do the party quest until 15x

3.look for a good clan to help you

4.Follow these steps and you will be happy

5. if not change character



i would love to help you out

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Go MD1 or MD3 as a spark mech, should be alot easier than LOC.

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I would love to help you out but I'm running out of golds too, sadly xD


Anyway, Aging is too expensive for low level items, I suggest you do mixing.

and LoC is a hunt map, damage dealt would really be high.


as for golds,

I suggest you level up 110 to get 3eye, switch to Automech and hunt in ET1, loot items and sell to npc outside. It can give you as much as 1-2kk per full inventory. You can even vend some good stuffs you'll find. I have a mech too and started from scratch.


as for leveling til 110

Mech is a good tanker in MD, just find a party and you're good to go ^^


check out character strategies in forum, it really did help me :)


have fun!

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lol guys he just need 30kk ... bro pm me ingame



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