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Question from a returning player

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Hi everyone! I've been off for quite a long time and I miss rpt.  A few questions:

1. Is multi log-in of same IP address no longer allowed? I tried but get dc all the time.

2. What's best to level 114 FS?

3.  Worth using inner soul despite - critical?

4. My FS' hellion is not attacking/being attacked by monster. Is there a bug with Hellion atm?


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your FS' hellion its not  attaking because you must be in a map which has only 15 levell difference

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Thanks for the replies guys! I tried dual log-in in FT and one my chars still get dc (2).  But no prob when i went to MD.  Maybe the FT map was just crowded?


Also I was able to put my hellions in fighting mode already. Sucks that they cannot do both looting and fighting at the same time but maybe its coz it would be too confusing for them  ;D I'm just happy I can play again and I'm thinking on donating for some cool stuff already ;D

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