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Experiences and tests about drop rate on Priston tale

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I have some experience from others servers that i think it's equal to all Priston Tale servers and i proved my theory again in the last weeks, that the drop rate quality is directly influenced by the speed that you take to kill a mob, at least in Hunt Maps like AW in this server. Here's my experiment in RPT:


Scenário 1: I was hunting in AW with my fs lvl 137 with bellum force, low Attack Ratting with 126 axe saph vigor mix, without Eye, solo hunt:

Sux drops... Max of 2 itens droped from a monster ( Rarely) common drop 1 and uncommon 0 itens. Quality from itens sux too, most pots and golds.


Scenário 2: I invested in AR with a saph dexterity mix on axe (130 axe, same dmg from 126 axe with saph vigor mix but 2xx more AR) and a better bracelet with saph dexterity mix( + 17x AR here), without eye, same force and solo hunt:

I had a good improve in drop rate, droped a 128 gauntlets. The improve was noticed in the quantity and quality of itens droped. More food (110 to 116), 1 saphire and 1 oredos in less than 2 hours of hunt and rarely droping 3 itens. logically, with more AR i missed less attacks and killed a little faster than before.


Scenário 3: Same ekips, with an Eye, saph force and still solo:

I had a improve in quantity of itens droped, a lot of 110-116 itens enough to make a good repot and more sheltons, belluns and oredos. That's what the third eye do, he adds a chance to drop an aditional item from a monster, the standard max number of drops is 3, and with eye, 4 itens at least in AW, for what i can see in this server. I droped 4 itens rarely and 3 more common than without an Eye.


Scenário 4: Same ekips, with an Eye and doing party:

This one is hard to test because party's in AW is not full all the time but i felt a difference in the number of times that the max of 4 drops happened when we had 4+ players in party. Since we do "solo" party's on AW, we are in party but each one kills the mob alone and takes the own drops, My killing speed remained the same. I learned here in RPT that just beeing in a party with the members in the same map, this increases the drop, and they said that a full party is like we had a second third Eye. I felt an good improve since i droped 3 saphs and 2 oredos, 120-122 itens in 4~5 hours of hunting in party


After some research, i noticed that ATA's kill so much faster than fighters with same level because of Soul Sucker, and i felt that i had the chance to test again the speed thing by buying an ATA and do some hunt in AW and here's the resulted scenarios:


Scenário 5: Here i invested hard on buffs because i had a low lvl weapon for the map: Hunting with pure ATA lvl 145 with jav 122 + 20, 4k+ AR, Sol force, Third Eye, Tier 2 feather(reduces CD on soul sucker), STM and MANA reduction potions, (Same max damage than the fighter) solo:

I had a incredible improve in drops, quality and quantity, i was killing the monster in near half the time that i was with the FS, first day of tests and i droped a 134 scythe ns and a lot of foods, 120-122 itens, sheltons and stuff. The number of drops was common 2 and 3, uncommon 4.


Scenário 6: Same buffs and stuffs but in party with 2 ~3 members and in the last x2 drop event:

I notice an great increase in quantity of drops, since my killing speed remained the same, near always dropping 4 itens, uncommon 3 and rarely 2, noticed a lot of sheltons droping for other players, including saphs.


Scenário 7: Same buffs, ekips, event and party with 4 ~ 5 members:

Notice an increase in the max number of drops, droped 5 itens from the same monster a lot of times.


Scenário 8: Same buffs, ekips, event and party full:

Noticed another increase in the max number of drops, droped 6 itens from same monster 4 times in a row... the quality of the drop rate maybe have changed due to the event but it's not certain because i droped a 134 item alone before the event, but i droped a 130 weap and a 128 robe, a 124 bracelet, 2 saphs and the other guys droped at least another 130 and 128 drops and a LOT of saphs. I think this event only added another third eye to the math and nothing to do with the quality of itens droped.


So, it's a long text but worth reading :) I did the same experiment in unique PT, about the speed of killing mobs in hunt maps, and i had the same improve in the quality of the drops so i'm certain that this is the way that things work for priston tale.


Final conclusion: The Third eye increases 1 for the max item droped from a monster, a full party increases +1 to the max item droped from a monster and the killing speed increase the quality of itens droped, that's my theory :)


If anyone has any experiment to add, feel free to do it and let's discuss it :)


I apologize for my English , I am Brazilian and I still have difficulties with some things , do not be a grammar nazi with me :)



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"Final conclusion: The Third eye increases 1 for the max item droped from a monster, a full party increases +1 to the max item droped from a monster and the killing speed increase the quality of itens droped, that's my theory :) "


Yeah, third eye adds one additional drop, and not only a full party does give additional drop (it's by chance) , but a full party gives 100% chance to have an additional drop (see http://www.realmpt.net/partying)


as of the killing speed, that is something new for me. Thanks for the info buddy! Might as well test it out and try to find other factors that affects the drop rate ^^

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Of course the drop rate will be "Increased" if you kill faster. The faster you kill, the more drops you get.

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