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so what changed / add after long main ?

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i dont see any info about what changed after main ?

any gm / admin can tell us ? 



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Downloading Update 3418
Downloading Update 3418 completed
Extracting Update 3418
Create Folder:	game\
Create Folder:	game\images\
Create Folder:	game\images\distributor\
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Create Folder:	image\Sinimage\Items\
Create Folder:	image\Sinimage\Items\DropItem\
Create Folder:	image\Sinimage\Items\Event\
Create Folder:	image\Sinimage\Items\Weapon\
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Update File:	game\images\distributor\button_send_.png
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Update File:	game\images\distributor\emptyitembox_noglow.png
Update File:	game\images\distributor\itemboxdemonstration.png
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Update File:	game\images\window\inputfield_line_44x15.png
Update File:	game\items\realm.wpn
Update File:	game\sounds\ui\click6.wav
Update File:	game\sounds\ui\magic2.wav
Update File:	game.dll
Update File:	game.exe
Update File:	image\Sinimage\Items\DropItem\itBI160.jpg
Update File:	image\Sinimage\Items\DropItem\itBI160.smd
Update File:	image\Sinimage\Items\DropItem\itBI241.jpg
Update File:	image\Sinimage\Items\DropItem\itBI241.smd
Update File:	image\Sinimage\Items\DropItem\itWS232.smd
Update File:	image\Sinimage\Items\DropItem\itWS232.TGA
Update File:	image\Sinimage\Items\DropItem\itWS233.smd
Update File:	image\Sinimage\Items\DropItem\itWS233.TGA
Update File:	image\Sinimage\Items\Event\itBI241.png
Update File:	image\Sinimage\Items\Event\itGP141.bmp
Update File:	image\Sinimage\Items\Weapon\itWS232.bmp
Update File:	image\Sinimage\Items\Weapon\itWS233.bmp
Extracting Update 3418 completed


Item distributor xD

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I heard ks was nerfed but what skills were nerfed? Or what did ks get nerf?

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What skills of knights you guys Nerf? We can see the differences.

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so ks only can use 1v1 skills in PvP what is that for useless crap.... 50% thats to much better do 30% or something not 50%


if do 50% remove then the skill LoL

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Looks like distortion been nerfed.


what you mean distro skill get nerf ? in bc or ohter map ?

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Looks like distortion been nerfed.


what you mean distro skill get nerf ? in bc or ohter map ?


Distortion was bugged, instead of be 22% speed reduction and 14% dmg , was 52% of speed reduction, he make it work as should

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that i know, the atack areas now only have half of total dmg

perfure still op for a one are skill  ::)


maybe because archer don't have split, cs, dt, dp ?  :)


And maybe because its a ranger that can't even tank a hit ?  :o

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where is K.O Skill of archer ?


and any char can tank using 400 points in healt pff

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damn, idk why i waste my time with you


Gm fixed mech already, and what happen ? he became a mule of time, some time ago.


He back with the bug on maximize that make mech have more than fking 3k of dmg with talon, and when maximize hits with max dmg, fore sure any char will die =)





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We announced it now what came with the new patch, check the Patch board. :)

And there's no need to insult eachother, it's a game to have fun.

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