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gm br

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make me br gm

Hey, get in the line !

If there's a line i wanna be the 1st, oks?

you should be in my back, not the other way around

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make me br gm

Hey, get in the line !

If there's a line i wanna be the 1st, oks?

you should be in my back, not the other way around

Front, back, side... I take you in any position <3

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Guest Mayreen


Wartale is a great server like uPT and there so many Brazilian people who also need support same as another ppl from another countries.

There is no problem to learn english cause some ppl br also knows english.

but some ppl have dificult to learn that language they think its hard but it's not and also if they want to learn they has to pay (to know a good english) or to study alot.(and also some br are poor and can't pay for it)

But as all here know some BR ppl is just lazy to learn another language.

Wartale can take that decision to make someone as GM-BR to us Brazilian people he knows already how works in a big server like realmPT/uPT.

Theres a BR MOD to support on forum and BR GM to support ingame and make event or w/e.


Ok, so they will need Spanish and Vn GM too, for those ppl that speak spanish/vn and don't know english?..


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You can always ask for help ingame to people who are not GMs


And even without any mod people were helping each other on Portuguese Section. That's support enough

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He was, I'm not sure about why but he got a bit away and then removed from the function


.-. actually I'm the one who got to keep the order by there. Brs are wild people OMG

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not everyone is BR


everyone else is making the effort to speak ENGLISH


being a majority is not a reason to make exceptions for you


want to play PT in BR ? go play on BRPT

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not everyone is BR


everyone else is making the effort to speak ENGLISH


being a majority is not a reason to make exceptions for you


want to play PT in BR ? go play on BRPT

you br gm?

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GM BR is on thing bom for common IMO. Me always and my father said "I have 25 hor/day" he work all life in service jop. I could like to appli to GameMaster Brasil cuz becasue of my father job history. and my filho can level my char *.* /o/

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GM mim ajuda! eu naum consigo termina a minha quest!! mim da itens gm *--*

tbm quero gm, itens 115  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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hehe yes i'm thinker i make big war for no bom reason .



i just want love care of family brasileiros. all i ask this is.

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we need a veri br gm, he will give free itens to us \o/ (maybe free hugs too)

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