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Train 136+ char

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hey is it possible to train a 136 char with no Q?


if not why not make maps with xp mobs


its to hard to finde a party in the DIQ


since ppl only make it with theys clanies

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Plz need some tips go rpt players


what your class ?

if prs / mage    you can exp on ad3 / iRon core


if you not mage / prs    so you got only di quest  or if you realy lukcy

you can make a team of 6 ppl and go to do ice mine quest ( but no1 do it )

so ya only di quest

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Aw i have try to get an di quest byt i cant ist to hard ppl only party clanies?

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Aw i have try to get an di quest byt i cant ist to hard ppl only party clanies?


most of the time ppl will ask in clan first when they got free slots in pt

after no1 will come from they clan 

they will call in trade chat



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i hope if they make pt-q for AW, its like the Ice Mine one run around 1x1 or small groups, and decent reward. would have to be like 100-150B i guess and take about 30-1 hr to complete dependent on your party strength.

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hey is it possible to train a 136 char with no Q?


if not why not make maps with xp mobs


its to hard to finde a party in the DIQ


since ppl only make it with theys clanies


hi there :D


You can try ad3 or iron core solo (depend your class and equipment).

For ad3 u have daily Q too, the reward isnt amazing, but is a plus.

Too can try find a party there, is easier get a pt in ad3 than iron core i guess. In my experience on IC ppl always solo or pt with 4-5 leechers :v



I dont know right now how hard is find a pt for diQ, i stoped train a mont ago, and in that time wasnt very hard find a pt (neither was very easy), just normal.

If u are a lurer, well ppl always need a lurer for diQ; Killers have a lot of them and ya, is kinda hard get into a party. If u are a tanker, probly is try your luck making your own pt.




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