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No have spaws for up =/

liked your english




it's something ppl have to deal with


if you don't like it

create a magician


you have a bigger chance to be accepted in parties

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No subserver please. Let's fight over the spawns instead.  ;D

fight with rheumatism grandpa

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more ppl playing = less respaw to up /true


more subs = more work to do = more ppl required for adm........so.......=/

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Just fight all the way for your spawn, just have patience, you always win.


But yeah, later on this gonna be way to crowded, so a new sub is something to think about.

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let sandurr focus first on balancing mobs in higher maps for now, besides a party isn't so bad in this server, as I see it.


friends-->party-->party take on bigger spot (such as iron 1&2)

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let sandurr focus first on balancing mobs in higher maps for now, besides a party isn't so bad in this server, as I see it.


friends-->party-->party take on bigger spot (such as iron 1&2)

for those who don't don't


YES! exp in a party is better than exp solo ¬¬'


just read this and you will learn a lot of useful things



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Not if most ppl in ur party are useless.

I have this often in ct1, ct2 parties, half of party is useless most of the time.

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Not if most ppl in ur party are useless.

I have this often in ct1, ct2 parties, half of party is useless most of the time.

call 6 mages and watch xp going up

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Already needed? Cant say about other maps but i2 is ok. A few times the spawnrate was crap because to many ppl around but most time its good.


About partys, ya solo is less xp here and partys r worth it.

Duo is good xp, trio is better and 4 ppl is also good with right chars.

But I dont really like full partys, its not more xp as 3-4 ppl-party, more lag/less fps, more ppl to vl and ofc some who cry for it b4 its gone, getting to easy => boring, ppl tend to leech (afk, idle, chat to much), 1-2 in party will be "low skilled" like luring from back on i2 hs, ...

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Already needed? Cant say about other maps but i2 is ok. A few times the spawnrate was crap because to many ppl around but most time its good.


About partys, ya solo is less xp here and partys r worth it.

Duo is good xp, trio is better and 4 ppl is also good with right chars.

But I dont really like full partys, its not more xp as 3-4 ppl-party, more lag/less fps, more ppl to vl and ofc some who cry for it b4 its gone, getting to easy => boring, ppl tend to leech (afk, idle, chat to much), 1-2 in party will be "low skilled" like luring from back on i2 hs, ...

maybe now

but soon ppl will want full parties  ;)

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Already needed? Cant say about other maps but i2 is ok. A few times the spawnrate was crap because to many ppl around but most time its good.


About partys, ya solo is less xp here and partys r worth it.

Duo is good xp, trio is better and 4 ppl is also good with right chars.

But I dont really like full partys, its not more xp as 3-4 ppl-party, more lag/less fps, more ppl to vl and ofc some who cry for it b4 its gone, getting to easy => boring, ppl tend to leech (afk, idle, chat to much), 1-2 in party will be "low skilled" like luring from back on i2 hs, ...

maybe now

but soon ppl will want full parties  ;)

Ppl want always full parties because they r lazy that doesnt mean they get one ;)

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Already needed? Cant say about other maps but i2 is ok. A few times the spawnrate was crap because to many ppl around but most time its good.


About partys, ya solo is less xp here and partys r worth it.

Duo is good xp, trio is better and 4 ppl is also good with right chars.

But I dont really like full partys, its not more xp as 3-4 ppl-party, more lag/less fps, more ppl to vl and ofc some who cry for it b4 its gone, getting to easy => boring, ppl tend to leech (afk, idle, chat to much), 1-2 in party will be "low skilled" like luring from back on i2 hs, ...

maybe now

but soon ppl will want full parties  ;)

Ppl want always full parties because they r lazy that doesnt mean they get one ;)

actually if all of them kill and one lure/loot it would be great  ;)

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If you are  friendly the people will want you to play together but if you come towtforum to waste ur time, i never will get a party, ::)

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If you are  friendly the people will want you to play together but if you come towtforum to waste ur time, i never will get a party, ::)


i'm always wasting my time inwtforum  ;D

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No subserver please. Let's fight over the spawns instead.  ;D



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No subserver please. Let's fight over the spawns instead.  ;D



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No subserver please. Let's fight over the spawns instead.  ;D




Mage ks noob ¬¬

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