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I'm still waiting.

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I'm a very fan of priston series, and I've played br priton tale for a long time.

But hackers took control of the game, and you can't win the ranking playing honestly.


I played a lot of PT servers that show some progress, some features to make this old game look better.

I in love with PT since it's beginnings, and realm had proved to be the best server so far.


Since it's annouce, shaman brought me back to what was priston in it's gold time, and I became very happy when realm said it's coming to the server.

I can't know how hard is to maintain a server, so I really can't complain about the delay of it.


Adm said to be announcing it today, and i'm still waiting to return to priston life :)

I just wanted to show my love and how hype I am.

Thx for your attention.

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Thanks for the kind words, we work every single day to improve the server, but we're a small team so some times the new features get delayed.

But if we promise that something is coming, we fulfill.  :D

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