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Where to go when go Pvp 1x1?

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I honestly don't agree with some point raised here:


- EZ only attacks people from enemies clans or those who also attack us.

- There are plenty possible places where you can x1: battle arena (you might need to log a mule or ask a friend to join since there is no 1x1 - which I believe will be added somewhere in the future) and you also have bc on other servers where no one goes.

- No clan stops you from going SOD, actually most of the time you will find players going SOD solo.

- Except when there is a 2xp event it is pretty easy to find a free spawn to level up.

- The last hunt map is huge and also it is pretty easy to find a free spawn, even during 2x drop events, it is just really hard to drop something good unless you are very lucky.

- It is really rare to see any EZ in Battle Arena.

- Donations are responsible for keeping the server online.

- Just like haulihaup said, you can have a great char without donating just like many people from EZ.

- There is already a level cap in the game.

- All you need to make a fast DI quest is players committed with it. It is much better to have a killer that uses the right skills than a top equiped one that stays most of the time just talking.

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