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Suspicious drop

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(I started playingwtyesterday, as you can see here.)


So there I was in Ricarten an hour ago (or something like that), when I see there's something hidden in the bushes (in the way to warpgate). At first I tought it was a crappy ring or something, but then I pressed A and saw that it was this: click here. I did not take a screenshot of the bracelets on the floor because I just rushed to grab them. :-X


I was so excited that I just thought about selling it (as you can see here), but then I thought: "What if this item belongs to a scammed account? Or worse: an hacker?"


It was kinda stupid of me to not report the situation. So, my point is, could I get in trouble for this? Do I have to "delete" the item? :-X


You (Game Masters) can check the logs. I did not scam anyone, nor use hacks to get this item.

I guess I was just lucky. :)


I'll be waiting for an answer. Thanks.

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if it's on the floor it's yours because you  picked it up


just pick up anything u can see .... nothing wrong ^^

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its yours keep it and btw i like of you being honest.. keep it up! ;D

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Even if it is from a scammed acc or from a hacker,you cant get in trouble for picking it up lol

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its yours keep it and btw i like of you being honest.. keep it up! ;D


too honest = ZERO

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(topic unlocked)


Sold ingame for 15kk. Was that a nice deal? :-X

I don't even know how much this costs...

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