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Exp rate x25 is not good and scares me

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This server is supposed to have an EXP RATE x50 like many others pt servers (including uPT) but I've noticed it's only x25 and that, above all, plays against new players or players that want to leave another server (where they already have high lvl chars) and start playing here (just like me).


[*]The experience table is the same as all other main servers but with HALF the exp you gain it takes double time (approximately) to level up

[*]If the EXP RATE was x50 before and only recently got changed to x25 that means players who started playing this game months ago will have a huge advantage on newcomers as they will never be able to fill the gap unless they play a huge amount of hours more

[*]With the upcoming new items and new maps the "good" and "worthy" items will be lvl 110+, to get them you must reach lvl 120+ and exp rate x25 simply means it takes a lifetime to do that

[*]Players who are already playing on another server (like me, on uPT) and have reached lvl 11x-12x or more there know the pain it takes to do that, well now onwtit just doubles since the exp is halved

[*]The exp pot adds +25% but doesn't bring total exp to x50 as x25+25% simply means a total of x31.250 which is far away from the x50 or the x62.5 you get on uPT with an exp pot on

[*]Items here are less powerful while skills are the same so it's even harder to lvl up, also the market is less "wide" so you see high level people (115-120+) with lvl 104-106 items and that makes lvl'ing up even harder

[*]People like me that can't spend the whole day playing a videogame will have hard times lvl'ing up, I started a fighter and after many hours of playing I was still lvl 66, I should have been 80+ by that time :(


Well all of this to clearly state that x25 rate is not a good idea to induce new players to start here or "old" ones to leave a previous server and start all over again in here. I had already many many troubles reaching 11x with x50 rate (and 2000M cap per session), I get the shivers thinking of how much more i should play to get the same level here and that would just bring me less than half the way to fully enjoy this game as new maps lvl 125-130-135 are or will be in game. Yes,wthas many features other servers don't have,wthas a great staff, a good community, an incredible developer, brand new maps etc but the exp rate penalizes too much


Make exp rate x50 again and you will seriously give many reasons to leave all other servers and start playing here, I must admit that with x25 I seriously doubt I will keep playing my fighter in here  :-[

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I was lvl 70, so tried to see if the

0 ~ ±10 100%

±11 ~ ±20 85%

±21 ~ ±30 70%

±31 ~ more 55%


was working and well, that's what I got:

1-16 100%

17-32 75%

33+ 50%


and exp rate x25


What do you mean it's custom by map? I tried many low level maps and it was x25 everywhere plus that weird scheme (which is the same as current upt). Maybe you are simply beyond lvl 80 and can't see full exp but just XXXXM so don't realize the exact amount of exp you are getting, try to make a brand new char and then go to check it out :)

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is fine the way it is.


So much so that in less than a year of server already has players almost 13x

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is fine the way it is.


So much so that in less than a year of server already has players almost 13x


No offence but upt has been running for years and still the amount of 13x is incredibly low so I don't see that as a problem, you probably underestimate the pain you have to suffer when you reach high levels, i'll try to give you a more clear idea: the amount of exp you need to lvl up is more or less as much as the total exp you have gained until then :D ... or try to have a look: http://www.realmpt.com/guide-experience


Maybe x25 was the good rate when max lvl map was 115 and max level item was 106 but now it's 130 and lvl 120 items are on their way

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As Valtsu said you can't compare our 25x with other servers 25x as basically everything here is custom edited. We are thinking of ways to make the lvl 1-100 more easy but IMO it's not that hard. I myself did 1-100 with pretty crappy gears in 3 days when server opened heh but that was no-life playing.

As you might have read on the website we are preparing new quests to make the levelling more fun in lower levels.

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No offence but upt has been running for years and still the amount of 13x is incredibly low so I don't see that as a problem, you probably underestimate the pain you have to suffer when you reach high levels, i'll try to give you a more clear idea: the amount of exp you need to lvl up is more or less as much as the total exp you have gained until then :D ... or try to have a look: http://www.realmpt.com/guide-experience


Maybe x25 was the good rate when max lvl map was 115 and max level item was 106 but now it's 130 and lvl 120 items are on their way


You're not in thewtnot in UPT.


So please do not compare to exp here with the other servers.

Nobody ever complained about the exp it is easy to level up.

If you see so many qualities in UPT why not just stay there?


I even think I should lower the exp rate, not increase.

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As Valtsu said you can't compare our 25x with other servers 25x as basically everything here is custom edited. We are thinking of ways to make the lvl 1-100 more easy but IMO it's not that hard. I myself did 1-100 with pretty crappy gears in 3 days when server opened heh but that was no-life playing.

As you might have read on the website we are preparing new quests to make the levelling more fun in lower levels.


Thanks for the reply Mercury. Well I checked the exp table, the exp mobs monsters give and I saw that until Gallubia everything is exaclty the same so 1-90 is much harder here, not a great way to present this game to possible new players. Moreover 1-90 basically means you play solo all the time as nobody is in low level maps, with no gold so everything is much harder. I'm not saying that we should reach lvl 80 in no time but at least making it more easy, the changes will come when i'll be past that level arealdy :(


About "custom" exp, yep.. I saw that monsters beyond Gallubia have altered hp, lvl and exp maybe even def and abs (you can only know that)... but honestly how would you rate the exp you can get past lvl 90 to the fact that there are level 125-130 maps in game, do you think it's not that hard to make? (It's a serious question, I haven't reached lvl 90 so can't compare).  :)

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No offence but upt has been running for years and still the amount of 13x is incredibly low so I don't see that as a problem, you probably underestimate the pain you have to suffer when you reach high levels, i'll try to give you a more clear idea: the amount of exp you need to lvl up is more or less as much as the total exp you have gained until then :D ... or try to have a look: http://www.realmpt.com/guide-experience


Maybe x25 was the good rate when max lvl map was 115 and max level item was 106 but now it's 130 and lvl 120 items are on their way


You're not in thewtnot in UPT.


So please do not compare to exp here with the other servers.

Nobody ever complained about the exp it is easy to level up.

If you see so many qualities in UPT why not just stay there?


I even think I should lower the exp rate, not increase.


well you're clearly missing the point here. I do play on uPT and i did spend a lot of time trying to reach 11x there. If i'm so concerned about this topic is because I'd really love to move here so i'm trying to find if it's worth it or not, considering i'm not a no-lifer and can't play 24/7. So since i have already 2 lvl 11x characters therewtshould give me enough reasons to stop there and move here. Custom maps and development play a huge role indeed but what's the point in having them if then i realize i need to play double the time to even enojy what rpt has to offer?

Pt is a time consuming game, and time is precious...

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Hello friend. :)


In my opinion, when it comes to uPT, you reach level 100+ and all you do is SOD, since you can't gain better exp anywhere else at that level (not even FS1). But then you have to see that SOD takes a lot of time and sometimes you even get killed by other players!


Inwt(from what I've seen), we have huge parties spread all over the maps.


So my point is: the difference between them is not that big when it comes to EXP. While you'll waste a load of time trying to SOD just to level up a few levels in uPT, you do not have to wait or die at the hands of other players here. You just have to join a party. :) The EXP goes up slower, but it's better to go slow than to go fast, then stop, then fast, then stop...


But then again, this is my personal opinion.

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Well mate, you've just started here... just like me, you can't really tell if it's true what you are saying :D


It's not really a problem to reach lvl 100 but you know that lvl 100 in this game is like nothing, you are still a low level char at 10x, it wasn't like this when max item in game was lvl 110 or when level cap was 115-120, now it's changed tho.


Leveling from 110 above is very very hard and if you gain half the exp there's no party that can save you... it will still be harder :)


But the main point about this is that it seems like it was x50 in the past so people who playedwtwhen exp rate was x50 took a huge adavantage already that will never be filled. Now they maybe say it's fine 'cause they're all already lvl 12x but with half the exp it's a hell lot harder to reach 12x. And 12x is still a medium-high level in here considering there are maps lvl 125-130 and more will come.


Anyway imho 0-100 should be made much more easy, it's way too boring when you do the same old story all over again seeing 10 years old maps. I'm 7x now and i'm already bored to death. Maybe make it hard from 110 on so it's still a challange but ease the pain for us newcomers please

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Basically you need to find more friends in here then you would know whywtis now one of the best server around. Everything is custom made by our GMs and all the rPTers do appreciate whatwthad brought to us. I do agree that the XP table is diff from uPT but bare in mind that we have lot more XP map and hunting MAP for which makewtmore fun bro.


Get on with it and try to put more heart inwtthen u know why all of us moved from uPT.

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I'm trying to reach lvl 95-100 so I can evaluate everything a bit better. It's gonna take some time tho, it was kinda hard to reach 7x with a fighter now it's getting better... the only exping skill we have is in tier 4, reachable at lvl 66*  :-X



*it's the same on every server but here exp is halved and mobs until gallubia have standard exp values... they're not customized

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Hello there,


As previously mentioned, this server just is not like any other you know. Even at very very low levels, when i had no 100% trained skill, it was very easy to get to lvl 60. So i cannot see your problem.


I personally won't will not feel comfortable in a server in wich a bunch of noobies get lvl 100 in 1 day and go to pvp to just kill and offend each other. This is what i call "yet another dummy pirate server". this simply have no fun in it!

The funny part of playing a RPG is that you are weak at once, then get stronger, is to see the armour getting bigger with the time(though i have no armour since i'm a mage), noticing you have a new skill, and so on.

Of couse the idea many rpgs like the "official version" have to keep the poor guy leveling by months in high levels is ridiculously abusive. I dunno about high levels here, but i don't agree taking more then six or seven hours to get up to a new level. As well as you, i don't have much time to play. i have to work 8 hours and go to college. Also, my girlfriend loves to take almost all my free time. I like it much, though. :)


So come on, sit back, relax, lvl up hardly and be proud of it, and enjoy the course!





P.S.: A big tip os to get some monster crystals with you and use it. They are here for this purpose.


P.S.2: Maybe this weekend i can get 8x, since my char is 75 and i have flamewave at lvl 7.



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The exp rate isn't x25 or x50, it's pretty much custom per map



and upt is x50 right?


but here MD123's xp is much better than upt's FS1 FS2

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Heh, I've been lazy playing... playing a mech, since January... and now it's 123 >__< and could be a lot higher


XP here is quite fine





FOR SURE md isn't EVEN CLOSE to be better than ft

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Guest TFSE

get a full party and play with friends and you'll see why the exp rate is fine


uPT may seem like the number of 13x is insanely small compared to its server life, but have you noticed that most, if not all of the updates in uPT are catered towards that tiny community of 13x? there is nothing going for the lower leveled players in that server (unless you decide to donate)

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Heh, I've been lazy playing... playing a mech, since January... and now it's 123 >__< and could be a lot higher


XP here is quite fine





FOR SURE md isn't EVEN CLOSE to be better than ft

keep your eyes open


what i said is upt's FS1 FS2,


not heres FT,


upt FS1 is like 3-4000m/h, FS2 5000/h+


rpt MD3 9000-10000m/h if u got a good spawn



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That's why i'll keep playing here until I reach lvl 95-100, so i can make some comparison.


But 1-90 is much much much harder here, it shouldn't be so deadly boring and slow... I would have quit already if I didn't want to see myself MD1-2-3 exp.


Maps up to Iron2 are not customized, mobs have standard stats, exp and lvl. You have to do all the quests like you did them on ePT, with ns gear all the time except for weapons. It's not really inviting for new players, pheraps it's made up this way to scare newcomers and keepwtpopulation low?  :D


You know that 1-9x is the most boring part of this game, everyone has done that at least a couple of times and having to do it again and with all the difficulties is giving me on my nerves, i'm sadic so i'll keep playing. Ofc it's still fast with the x25 exp rate, but no tas fast as it should be imho. I don't know if you ever played WoW but game there starts for real only on max level, until then it's just an useless hard and boring route, so iswtto me on my way to lvl 100.


You want to keep 100+ challenging? Fine and I agree... but trust me that 1-9x should be more easy. 1-95 here takes double the time it takes on uPT for example, and it's the most boring part, really

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That's why i'll keep playing here until I reach lvl 95-100, so i can make some comparison.


But 1-90 is much much much harder here, it shouldn't be so deadly boring and slow... I would have quit already if I didn't want to see myself MD1-2-3 exp.


Maps up to Iron2 are not customized, mobs have standard stats, exp and lvl. You have to do all the quests like you did them on ePT, with ns gear all the time except for weapons. It's not really inviting for new players, pheraps it's made up this way to scare newcomers and keepwtpopulation low?  :D


You know that 1-9x is the most boring part of this game, everyone has done that at least a couple of times and having to do it again and with all the difficulties is giving me on my nerves, i'm sadic so i'll keep playing. Ofc it's still fast with the x25 exp rate, but no tas fast as it should be imho. I don't know if you ever played WoW but game there starts for real only on max level, until then it's just an useless hard and boring route, so iswtto me on my way to lvl 100.


You want to keep 100+ challenging? Fine and I agree... but trust me that 1-9x should be more easy. 1-95 here takes double the time it takes on uPT for example, and it's the most boring part, really


As update is to be done in couples of hours ... i guess this topic can be closed since Wartale is going to increase the XP rate in low level maps ......


Thank you kenshiro on helping those low level to get to 100 a lot more faster than before


Cheers :D

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Yeah, I don't know if I should be happy for this change that will make things easier to get started or go mad like a crazy dog because now i'm lvl 94!! x(((((((((((((


It's indeed a good change, exping in low level maps and reaching lvl 9x was really boring and not didn't need to be so long since game starts for real at 10x+ ... but somehow i feel like i've been robbed  :-[ ... shouldn't I deserve some exp reward for this suggestion? It took me double the time to reach lvl 94  ::)

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Then should everyone above lvl 100 get a reward O0


Just be glad for you helped the community.

I'm sorry but I think it's very selfish thought..

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I'd just like to note that I got from level 1-80 in under 4 hours of play starting from absolute scratch never playing this server before and no alt chars.

and just messing around got another char lv. 1-65 in under an hour.


If anything, leveling was too fast and easy in the start -- and with the maint. increasing xp rate on noob maps it will be even more so.


If I tried there's no doubt in my mind I can start a new account from complete scratch and hit 10x in under 24 hrs..and that was with the non-increased rates.

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Then should everyone above lvl 100 get a reward O0


Just be glad for you helped the community.

I'm sorry but I think it's very selfish thought..


It was sarcastic, i'm just upset it comes when i don't need it anymore :P

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I'd just like to note that I got from level 1-80 in under 4 hours of play starting from absolute scratch never playing this server before and no alt chars.

and just messing around got another char lv. 1-65 in under an hour.


If anything, leveling was too fast and easy in the start -- and with the maint. increasing xp rate on noob maps it will be even more so.


If I tried there's no doubt in my mind I can start a new account from complete scratch and hit 10x in under 24 hrs..and that was with the non-increased rates.


You're talking of level 65 and lvl 80... you are absolutely nothing at those levels. Ofc you can do that if you buy tons of crystals and skip all the quests including tier 1-4 ones but that's shouldn't be the way you are supposed to play this game. You should do tier 2 quest when you are 2x, tier 3 quest (the most annoying one) when you hit 40 and then tier 4 rankup when you reach lvl 60, including all the other sub-quests like For Her (example). And that's how I played it. (and as a fighter i received my first aoe skill at lvl 66)


Anyway as I said lvl 80 is absolutely nothing in this game. But going from 85 to 95 is (was) a real boredom fest with no reason behind it to stay that way imho. I started a few days ago, I played a lot (but not as a no-lifer as you probably are) and still have to reach lvl 95, finding myself in troubles in I1/I2 maps and even CT1-2 when solo (and population in low lvl map is close to zero). I do like 30% per hour with crystals in CT2, that's more than ok (too much indeed) if you are 10x but if you are 8x well... it's just boring and useless


If you can do 0-100 with old exp rate in less than 24h you should really get a life, my friend ;)

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The xp rate was fine, there was too much complaining and now it's gonna be better~


Any other reason to keep complaining?

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