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Exp rate x25 is not good and scares me

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The xp rate was fine, there was too much complaining and now it's gonna be better~


Any other reason to keep complaining?


I have yet to see a post from him that leads me to believe he will ever be happy.  He appears to only criticize everything about this great server.  Many of the servers that have players start at level 80 with all of their quests, gold to support all their skills, etc, etc, etc. never develop anything other than what is standard in PT1 and soon die from player bordem.  I know, I have played most of the non-BR private PT servers and ony 2-3 still exist.

I hope he will find something he like about Wartale or decides to find another private PT server that suites his needs.

Just one old man's opinion,

~ nForcer

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why don't you just shut up and learn to read before opening your mouth?


The exp got changed because it wasn't GOOD ENOUGH not because ONE MAN complained about it. If Wartale and Mercury didn't think it needed to be fixed it would have stayed the same, evidently they tought there was something right in my CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.


You are only good to spam, it's the constructive criticism and the pointing fingers to things that don't work that LEAD TO A BETTER GAME.


Wartale doesn't change things only because one guy (a newcomer even) finds it is boring, evidently they decided something had to be done and my topic only brought the question to light instead of keeping it in the darkness because you are all afraid to say something but are only able to bow before the admins.


The who fight are those who care. Learn it for your lives as well, not only for a game....


topic closed. And i won't be posting anymore in this forum so everyone is happy

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