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MAINTENANANCE Till 14:00 Server Time? Its 15:34

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i think it was 14:00 October 6, 2015 server time...  ;D ;D ;D ;D :P :P

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i think it was 14:00 October 6, 2015 server time...  ;D ;D ;D ;D :P :P

OCTOBER 6, 3050


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Stop being so impatient.. practice your hobby, go work, go watch tv go out with friends do something instead of making useless threads on the forum.

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Stop being so impatient.. practice your hobby, go work, go watch tv go out with friends do something instead of making useless threads on the forum.

Because Its Always The Problem, They Always Giving us information if how long the maintenance but the time is 15:56:44 server Time And they Said Its will be okay at 14:00 :(

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"Laucher wants to update but the game is already running"


How to solve that?

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Oias os doente fumador de crack abrindo tópicos desesperados

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"Laucher wants to update but the game is already running"


How to solve that?


Run as administrator, but anyway there are still maintenance lol that says to me, it was all an illusion cry cry  :'( :'(

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"Laucher wants to update but the game is already running"


How to solve that?


Run as administrator, but anyway there are still maintenance lol that says to me, it was all an illusion cry cry  :'( :'(


It didn't work  :'( :'( :'( lets wait

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unexpected errors people lost items and so on, they are fixing it atm

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Why are you ppl so mad?  something like 5 years ago the '3hours' maintence used to take 3 or 5 days...


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Why are you ppl so mad?  something like 5 years ago the '3hours' maintence used to take 3 or 5 days...

yeah i acctually wrote an forumla for their maintenance times few years ago like 1 hour = 3 hours 3 hours = 1 day 1 day = 1 week xD

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Why are you ppl so mad?  something like 5 years ago the '3hours' maintence used to take 3 or 5 days...

yeah i acctually wrote an forumla for their maintenance times few years ago like 1 hour = 3 hours 3 hours = 1 day 1 day = 1 week xD

it was just like that !!


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