babyarcher 0 Report post Posted April 25, 2011 Oh, you're talking about old awell... lmao! Pretty much KZEE, anyways, you'd be right on those names... that's back when I was in VioletSouls =P I remember going to BC w/VS and one time I had like 12 bps as a mage, lmao!!! That actually sounds really familiar. I was in doyyyyy =D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deathdeath 0 Report post Posted April 26, 2011 Yeah i mean old awell server ^^ . I played it about 6 years ago ;D ;D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zpaganp 0 Report post Posted April 26, 2011 I played EPT back when it only had tier 2 lol my first chara was an ATA named Chanti then mostly went by Ayianna prs, I had a ton of friends there most left to play wow when it went to PtoP I stayed and played 6 months after that paying 12.99 a month to play PT lol I use to play Renaissance/Redemption as Ayianna prs and played many other private servers as eather Ayianna/Lily prs or Zadrin my KS and Raven archer. Im currently trying to fix the problem so I can play this pt, I do play Rebornpt now, lvl 123 KS Zadrin, Jasmine ATA lvl 114 and a noob archer and prs, hopefully I will see old players I knew Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aydinerkan 1 Report post Posted April 26, 2011 Who is the real winter in ept? This is what i wish to know too. Those real winter pretender jst SUCKSSSSSSS some rich kid from uae who paid Chinese guys to level his char to 100 just like his friend, uaespy orsomething a lvl 100 knight Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mayreen Report post Posted April 26, 2011 Who is the real winter in ept? This is what i wish to know too. Those real winter pretender jst SUCKSSSSSSS some rich kid from uae who paid Chinese guys to level his char to 100 just like his friend, uaespy orsomething a lvl 100 knight If i'm not wrong, he had a Mexican xper too. Can't remember his name, but he was cool. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aydinerkan 1 Report post Posted April 26, 2011 Who is the real winter in ept? This is what i wish to know too. Those real winter pretender jst SUCKSSSSSSS some rich kid from uae who paid Chinese guys to level his char to 100 just like his friend, uaespy orsomething a lvl 100 knight If i'm not wrong, he had a Mexican xper too. Can't remember his name, but he was cool. ur from old kzee too? if yes what was ur nick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
babyarcher 0 Report post Posted April 27, 2011 Who is the real winter in ept? This is what i wish to know too. Those real winter pretender jst SUCKSSSSSSS some rich kid from uae who paid Chinese guys to level his char to 100 just like his friend, uaespy orsomething a lvl 100 knight I was from old KZEE too. What was yours? If i'm not wrong, he had a Mexican xper too. Can't remember his name, but he was cool. ur from old kzee too? if yes what was ur nick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aydinerkan 1 Report post Posted April 27, 2011 and you babyarcher? I was AYDINERKANnl pre aor , when aor came i made a mage called MysticMage1 was banned for iron2 hack ;D after that i got Striderl the pikeman from the original owner Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
babyarcher 0 Report post Posted April 27, 2011 and you babyarcher? I was AYDINERKANnl pre aor , when aor came i made a mage called MysticMage1 was banned for iron2 hack ;D after that i got Striderl the pikeman from the original owner Ahh, I played BabyPandamonium after AoR. Pre-AoR I was playing FujinZ, a prs! Towards the end of my ePT "career" (I spent so much time on it it was practicallly a job) I shared archers with misskinki and ETC. Hehe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mayreen Report post Posted April 27, 2011 Who is the real winter in ept? This is what i wish to know too. Those real winter pretender jst SUCKSSSSSSS some rich kid from uae who paid Chinese guys to level his char to 100 just like his friend, uaespy orsomething a lvl 100 knight If i'm not wrong, he had a Mexican xper too. Can't remember his name, but he was cool. ur from old kzee too? if yes what was ur nick Mayreen 8x Ats Dominatrix member Do the Bambie!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
babyarcher 0 Report post Posted April 27, 2011 Who is the real winter in ept? This is what i wish to know too. Those real winter pretender jst SUCKSSSSSSS some rich kid from uae who paid Chinese guys to level his char to 100 just like his friend, uaespy orsomething a lvl 100 knight If i'm not wrong, he had a Mexican xper too. Can't remember his name, but he was cool. ur from old kzee too? if yes what was ur nick Mayreen 8x Ats Dominatrix member Do the Bambie!!!! no wonder i found your name really familiar. I could have sworn I saw you running around before Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aydinerkan 1 Report post Posted April 27, 2011 Who is the real winter in ept? This is what i wish to know too. Those real winter pretender jst SUCKSSSSSSS some rich kid from uae who paid Chinese guys to level his char to 100 just like his friend, uaespy orsomething a lvl 100 knight If i'm not wrong, he had a Mexican xper too. Can't remember his name, but he was cool. ur from old kzee too? if yes what was ur nick Mayreen 8x Ats Dominatrix member Do the Bambie!!!! ah dominatrix, that was like our biggest opponent in bc that time, i think i was in sacredrealm then Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jestah 0 Report post Posted May 1, 2011 Silverstriker,Virgin_Love,. EPT-Awell-Kazee. I was in Atit on Silver, and my Knight- Virgin_Love was in Xternal and Dominatrix. Was the leader of Xternal for sometime, while Birra was dealing with rl issues. I also shared an account playing Madshredder and Aitsumi. I remember our first Fury event outside of Navisko, barely anyone was level 50 at the time. Luckily I was given back my Fighter Silver by TheUnexpected and Xs-2 helping me out with an actual GM on msn. Seems the hackers wanted my FS Diamon Axe, haha. Oh, I heard someone mention Zaphikeil So, here's a treat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aydinerkan 1 Report post Posted May 1, 2011 ah woepsie the dutch mech, and pluis the dutch priestess Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
babyarcher 0 Report post Posted May 1, 2011 Silverstriker,Virgin_Love,. EPT-Awell-Kazee. I was in Atit on Silver, and my Knight- Virgin_Love was in Xternal and Dominatrix. Was the leader of Xternal for sometime, while Birra was dealing with rl issues. I also shared an account playing Madshredder and Aitsumi. I remember our first Fury event outside of Navisko, barely anyone was level 50 at the time. Luckily I was given back my Fighter Silver by TheUnexpected and Xs-2 helping me out with an actual GM on msn. Seems the hackers wanted my FS Diamon Axe, haha. Oh, I heard someone mention Zaphikeil So, here's a treat Atit? Do you play Aion? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jestah 0 Report post Posted May 1, 2011 Nope, WoW for PvP only, and screwing around on this game I also believe the shared toon Aitsumi I played, was also in Atit as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
babyarcher 0 Report post Posted May 1, 2011 Nope, WoW for PvP only, and screwing around on this game I also believe the shared toon Aitsumi I played, was also in Atit as well. Ahh alright, never mind I read wrong. Lol. Someone in Aion asked me about ePT when they saw my name and said something about atit. :-[ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jestah 0 Report post Posted May 1, 2011 -@babyarcher- Oh god... you're one of the Misskinki's... I remember hunting for one of your damn bows /wrist, think it was a Titan bow. I've thought about switching games, but Aion, nor Rift shows any interest to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
babyarcher 0 Report post Posted May 1, 2011 -@babyarcher- Oh god... you're one of the Misskinki's... I remember hunting for one of your damn bows /wrist, think it was a Titan bow. I've thought about switching games, but Aion, nor Rift shows any interest to me. Haha, how did you know? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sillybritt 0 Report post Posted May 2, 2011 i played rpt back then i was a prs named sillybritt and a ks named EvilRabbit i also played ept on mid same names.... i was a FifiSlayer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
davv 2 Report post Posted May 2, 2011 @deathdeath please stop pretending to be oldschool, you fail. i knew the real deathsenders guy and his english was so much better than yours. hell, he even was a mod on ptp. so please do yourself a favor and stop talking about things you have no idea about and now let's get a few other things right : - the original winter guy quit ept around 2003-2004 and sold his char to an uae guy. that guy then paid some br ppl to lvl him up. no other character called winter afterwards are the real one. - 1st lvl 100 guy on ept was uaespy. first owner was very nice and a friend of mine, he even learned french at school and his first clan on ept when he was 7x was a french clan called Khaynis. he did quit at 9x and sold his account new owner (uae guy too) got lvl 100 with some br lvlers, and then he sold his char and quit the game some time after doing the legendary fury quest. he did a video recording of that quest and i hosted it for him on my youtube account but not anymore now Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jestah 0 Report post Posted May 2, 2011 ^ *Agrees with Dav* Just got done reading some old PTProphecy forums. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
motora 0 Report post Posted May 2, 2011 old ept awell char: drv (noob mage 2x, around 2001-2002) old ept migal from clan Escrotos (E+) and Conspiracy chars: driv3r (mgs 9x) [e]Lover (prs 8x) 50% owner of Niennia (as 9x) 50% owner of BBCantares (as 9x) 50% owner of Aloha (ks 9x) Share of Alpha_0 (mech 8x) and others 7 ~ 8 chars 7x ~ 8x after this went to BPT awell from clan Escrotos (E+) char: driver (first prs 8x) and chars above transfered. Then i went to firstwtfrom E+ clan char: driver (pike 104) EvoPT, i was GM, nick: DAMN FearPT, i was GM too, nick: MOTORA after all this i stopped then came back now in realmPT from Conspiracy, now with Xternal char: drv (Driver. ks 129) Escrota (prs 110) but now i work too much and i dont want to weast much time on the game. hehe GL all Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ToXa 30 Report post Posted May 2, 2011 awell- m3g4n-br and mee_br Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fordisplayonly 0 Report post Posted May 2, 2011 Gala Ept Tankerbabe (8x) Mech - Donuteaters Syth (7x) Pike - Chosen(or maybe was TheChosen) Started just After AoR, continued thru P2P and quit just before they merged all the servers. Noticed a few names from gala, sadly none I really knew personally Share this post Link to post Share on other sites