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Anyone from EPT / OLD RPT

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i come from renaissancePT :P was playing ept in 2001or 2002 also but never pay2play D:     

nicks : ZyTrO > Chotinha > PaYaSoKiNPikE > Akyrys > GoodFellar > -DeathScythe- > [CrazyRanger]> KingFran > [QueenRanger]

i was in Angel , Saint , PeaceMaker <33

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I am from old EPT and still play on occasion.

I also played SnoxdPT, rPT, uPT, LunarPT, LegacyPT, hPT, ChristmasPT, CrazyPT, FroggPT, xPT, oPT, and others that I have forgotten.

Started playing Pre-AOR ePT back in beta in 2001 and have tried to play many of the private PT servers across the globe.  Always played as a Mech and use the IGN "nForcer".

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i started on kpt in 99-2000

i heard about the game from a korean guy when i used to play counter strike...  :-X

old kpt char: pikouze


then i came to ept when they started banning foreign ip's :P

i was founder and leader of SacredRealm (and later SacredUnity)

in between i also was in syndicate and xenowings/babywings, and later in xternal (as vice leader)

chars in chronogical order : davvowl/guard1an/HC_RT/led-shark/guardian_fr/MyName/widGt

during that time i also had a kpt account that i used for testing.

new kpt char: s4cred.

i quitted ept in 2006


in 2007 i played gigaPT with krazed, obviously in PKD clan (as vice)

chars : widgt/myname/guardian

i also played sgPT where i was GM

then i quit pt again


in late 09 i tried upt with a friend, got bored after 2 weeks


in december 09 i started again here on rPT

i came out of curiosity, and stayed coz i found old friends, and some new ones too.

i was 1st lvl 100 mech :)

i joined H on day one because all my old friends were in there


thats about it :P

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I played a one and a half year on Awell(ePT). Even after the beta was over, found a lot of nice ppl there. But since it was pay to play the server starts to be more and more empty, after the relase of WoW most of my friends quit. Atleast I decided to quit either.


My chars. on Awell

7x Pikeman - Silberklaue

7x Archer - Raredith

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I played uPT: duckpro (FS 11x)/ HTVN (PS 11x)  3 year ago :(

iPT: heocon (ps 18x)  ::)

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i start in Rpt in 2006.. my chars


DragonRojo, Cronor, 2 pikes 11x (AxE and Budskie), Akyrys 11x, LECO 119 to 121, FS Jabberwock 12x, Daimaou Pike 124, Archer 125 (ImDarkAngel), LECO 126 ks again, BoneCrushers Fs 126, LECO ks 133, and now HolyShiT Fs 133 in upt

Here iam Rinoa Ata 122

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Played EPT migal back on 2004-2005, was really good lvl by that time LOL but really low here (If I remember well I was around 78 by that time) (huh, those good ol' times where you used 6x stuff and was a king ) :P


Played oldwtwith a pike, but didn't go above 100 (lazy times :P), and I can't remember his nick/acc name (and so had to start again in uPT)


on icon poll: is that Shadowflare's crest?


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ign: Devilarms


clan: UnHolyGodz, aznFatal


server: Awell


back in the old days.

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Ept mardanos: had a lvl 89 with 50% fs there. after the merge to valento my char were lost so I stopped playing.

like 2 years ago new awell came out (on ept) so I played there, got a 102 knight over there now. name: Hieto 

same name and char on this server.

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ign: Devilarms


clan: UnHolyGodz, aznFatal


server: Awell


back in the old days.

unholygodz i forgot about that clan, i been in that one aswell for a while too, and Revolutions

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Always the ATA VESTA on Kzee/Awell back in.. I have the screenshots to prove it :D


I remember before the morions showed up as well..


I remember the glory days before AoR, before the clans, when SoD wasn't broken, when it did break, when it was fixed, and when it became Bellatra. Remember the EYEBALL monsters and the monsters before they were turned into horrible haunting maple type.


I remember being in the first ever all ATA Clan started by MissBabylon. I remember PAYING 12.99 a month to play EPT...


I miss alot of my ATA girls ;.;


The sound of a headcutters sword is still one of the scariest sounds ever.

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I was from oldwt(redemptionPT,renaissancePT, upt now). My chars there were a knight NoWayToDie ---> pikeman PikeManX ---> mech NinjaJiraya ---> archer MagiQ

i remember your KS..

in old rpt i was InfernaAgaiN, Bekka, InfernoFS, Washingtonxx and others :)

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Uhhm ept:




Priest-LoveliepriestNL i guess?


Redemption pt:





random more chars lol also stuff with Rkokie etc.



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Lets see I began playing ePT in 2002 I believe during the closed beta when the only server was Awell. My first character was a warrior named Damaskinos that got hacked at 37. I was then given the account of a friend who quit and played as a mech named AnimeMech which I got to level 56. I quit for awhile and helped my friend form one of the first private servers which was a total failure ^^;


Later on I joined the originalwtas Malfunktion as well as a couple other servers :)


ePT was so simple I remember the first ever supreme armor and spiked armor found. Maps had no names and there was nothing north of Ruinen or East of D4. Good times =)

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ept- thugmage

rpt- killuminati (old and this server)



ept - used to play Blacklisted, Karl_03 , MarTuaL ( Gay pike ;P) and Insanity all 9x char ... Oyeah also play the l33t Thugmage <3 :P

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