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Anyone from EPT / OLD RPT

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Guest Mayreen

ept = -_IcanFLY_-  and DISPARATE




yes ^^


I remember your Nickname xD

Was you a Magician? Maybe I'm wrong  :-\

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upt = [-ZerO-] clan Survivor, Runaway, Impacto, JusticeRealm


hey thats you bro .... the PS

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ept = -_IcanFLY_-  and DISPARATE


old rpt = Telefones - TomasTurbando - LotusMystic - BabaDeCalango[share] - BiroskaxD[share]





where is fredi?!?!!? tankir babel no rob??


i'm trying to bring fredi to here! ^^

but he don't have too much time for play nowadays =/


ept = -_IcanFLY_-  and DISPARATE




yes ^^


I remember your Nickname xD

Was you a Magician? Maybe I'm wrong  :-\


Yes first mage to get +7 aged item

it was Faith Wand


using iron2 bug to drop a lot of devines =D

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Yes first mage to get +7 aged item

it was Faith Wand


using iron2 bug to drop a lot of devines =D

there was someone with a +7 lofty that skipped +6 age before devines came out :P

cant remember the name tho.

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i remember i can fly, when i see that mage, i always thought of that song

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upt = [-ZerO-] clan Survivor, Runaway, Impacto, JusticeRealm


zer o:)


I'm Hays and [Lost] in upt


and log in ps of my friend -[RiqueToru]-. but now, all sold :('

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- Chico.!

upt = [-ZerO-] clan Survivor, Runaway, Impacto, JusticeRealm


zer o:)


I'm Hays and [Lost] in upt


and log in ps of my friend -[RiqueToru]-. but now, all sold :('

I know :D

upt = [-ZerO-] clan Survivor, Runaway, Impacto, JusticeRealm


hey thats you bro .... the PS

yess :D

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ahueaehuaeae i was at I2 bugging too =D




i remember you took ss of someone there and i appeared on it too :( aff but no banz oks men



hey if you need gold or anything onwtlet me know!


those i2 parties were the best pt time ever :P

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Yes first mage to get +7 aged item

it was Faith Wand


using iron2 bug to drop a lot of devines =D

there was someone with a +7 lofty that skipped +6 age before devines came out :P

cant remember the name tho.



Isnt that Zaphikeil?

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i started with ept, kept on playig when it became p2p. also played redemptionPT,renaissancePT, UniquePT. My nickname was dazzler, was a mage. When BC came out i was in nWo (EPT) was BR clan and we got BC first. We kept it long time because we used healpriest to heal the gate wich made it impossible to break through. remember some names from clan like seasky, sakuradiaries, ptxhoneytrap forgot the rest xD


got 9x in EPT but quited after ept and bpt split, bcause all my br friends were gone.

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Renaissance/Redemption I had 9x pike and 106 or 107 pike (bought 10x lol) but duno names anymore.

ePT - Midranda(I think) - Knighter[NL] 4x and [P]riestess[NL] 4x or 5x. I've had a clan named Nazguls but after my pc broke I've never returned so it had no leader...

Active PT player since 2004 :)

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zaphi was a pro grinder but wasn't really rich, idk :P


It was a prs , Lov3todr3am or another one i dont remember now .


Luna_br maybe ....

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ept galanita- GuardianDLMster, helped xp breakduck and beasthunter there. Clan = HopysRevenge and LegendsCN

rpt revolution clan- DLM

  • Sad 1

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FS lxXxl


OLD Rpt to Upt


KS 9night > FS Unarmed > KS okto > PS -SpOoKy- > FS [iguana] > PS SpOoKy (Still playingin upt)

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ePT : Awell





Proud Dominatrix too :D


Wow :o hahah !


<~ Old redemption priston tale /  ePT Galantia


OoPIKEoO / zerglino = redemption


ePT = Kewl = GG FTW :P

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Im Pre AOR Xternal


Likido Pre-Aor / AoR


Ownedbylikido after


Here alot of trades ended with Howthefudge

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im play old ept migal date +- 2004

mech Jhonatta 90~91 tranf bpt

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