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We'll see.


Regardless of Level 10 or not, I made sure that even at Level 1, after the next patch, the skill will have a lot more damage than Phantom Nail.


First I want to see how it plays out with a short delay and huge damage (in combination with the much faster & no delay Phantom Nail), then we'll consider other changes if necessary.


i like that idea, but it depends on the dmg. since the skill animation is alot slower than phantom nail, so you got to make sure that it's worth it

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We'll see.


Regardless of Level 10 or not, I made sure that even at Level 1, after the next patch, the skill will have a lot more damage than Phantom Nail.


First I want to see how it plays out with a short delay and huge damage (in combination with the much faster & no delay Phantom Nail), then we'll consider other changes if necessary.



i like that idea, but it depends on the dmg. since the skill animation is alot slower than phantom nail, so you got to make sure that it's worth it



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Will Press Diety be on par with Stone spike?


have you Considered swapping Haunt with Phantom nail and reducing the DMG of phantom nail by a small amount -10% at max and increase the effectiveness of haunt aswell as putting a 3s delay? I think that would honestly make things more interesting and open up more builds for party play in things such as CT3 and DI opening up transitions for different tankers and also another annoying opponent in PVP :)

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Even in KPT these AOE skills have no delay .... and decent damage in EPT the delay is less than here but they didn't get that update from KPT yet. The high mp use is even reduced in KPT. Ghostly nail is also spammable

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Lets just hope they remove the delay, i just tried lvl 10 press deity with the updated "dmg", and lvl 1 phantom nail is still better


proof: 34yqw06.jpg & 2h2m71z.jpg


The one to the left is press deity lvl 10, right is phantom nail lvl 1. Which tells us its better to just spam lvl 10 phantom nail and not touch press deity


This was done with my shaman 124 with sapphire force and bsm 116 weapon

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This was done by 1 stone spike from my 107 mgs without any mix on weapon and no force.




Hope this makes it a stronger case for buffing it

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I'm making a full skill balance of Shaman myself now. Removing delay completely but making sure Phantom Nail will not be useless

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I'm making a full skill balance of Shaman myself now. Removing delay completely but making sure Phantom Nail will not be useless


im pleased to hear that

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I'm making a full skill balance of Shaman myself now. Removing delay completely but making sure Phantom Nail will not be useless

Remove area of nail and add damage, make it a 1x1 skill for kiling bosses and pvp


Spamming daity is enought for aoe

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why u need Nail not be useless?, think of Diastrophism and Stone Spike lol

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IMO if you still want to keep cooldown in Press Deity, you should boost other AoE to being the second AoE skill, like Phantom Call or Mourning Pray.


I see no point in spending points in 2 skills of Tier 5 for AoE. You can't upgrade the other skills (and both are very good) until you are high level because you spend all your points in 2 AoE. Phantom Nail can be turned in a 1v1 skill with target bonus, Mutant/Normal mobs for example.

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Make press deity with no delay  and normal damage,  and make The  skill of T3 ( like dias ) of shaman more strong for exp so shaman will have 2 skill for exp

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I suggest the staff stop making ETA's on updates/patches and just add them when they are ready. It's just stupid and frustrating like this week when updated skill balances for assassin&shaman were promised on monday, then postponed to tuesday. THEN today they just removed it alltogether without giving any info. So frustrating...

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I suggest the staff stop making ETA's on updates/patches and just add them when they are ready. It's just stupid and frustrating like this week when updated skill balances for assassin&shaman were promised on monday, then postponed to tuesday. THEN today they just removed it alltogether without giving any info. So frustrating...



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I suggest the staff stop making ETA's on updates/patches and just add them when they are ready. It's just stupid and frustrating like this week when updated skill balances for assassin&shaman were promised on monday, then postponed to tuesday. THEN today they just removed it alltogether without giving any info. So frustrating...


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I suggest the staff stop making ETA's on updates/patches and just add them when they are ready. It's just stupid and frustrating like this week when updated skill balances for assassin&shaman were promised on monday, then postponed to tuesday. THEN today they just removed it alltogether without giving any info. So frustrating...



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I suggest the staff stop making ETA's on updates/patches and just add them when they are ready. It's just stupid and frustrating like this week when updated skill balances for assassin&shaman were promised on monday, then postponed to tuesday. THEN today they just removed it alltogether without giving any info. So frustrating...


There are 2 sides to the coin. I remember when they added the 2 new classes, they went down for maintenance without giving the ETA. People started spamming the forum asking for the time for which the game will be up.

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I'm making a full skill balance of Shaman myself now. Removing delay completely but making sure Phantom Nail will not be useless


1 week ago, and still without balance.

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