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Knight Lightning Sword Longer Cooldown?

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It seems like lightning sword went from 20second cooldown to 30second cooldown. It's either that, or my tier 5 feather isn't working properly. But cooldown is like 25+ seconds now, compared to max 20 seconds before.

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before , KS LS is duration 12sec , CD time 18sec. bolt interval 0.05sec.


last main, LS is  duration 12sec , CD time 28sec. bolt interval 0.05sec.


this main, LS is  duration 8sec , CD time 28sec. bolt interval 0.10sec.


for now , KS skill LS is really bad ,really really bad, bad and bad.



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That's a pretty big nerf, I remember gms saying they might take it down slightly more after last patch, but that's a 66% nerf, ie the skill is 1/3 as strong as it was before last patch.

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