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skill balance?? LIGHTNING SWORD

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delay more time and now decrease time? 12secs now 8secs WHAT A GREAT JOB GM's

I MIX MY BOOTS to 1000stm to finish Lightning sword



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Not only the max duration got reduced to 8 sec and damage lowered to 70%, but the most important thing: Bolt interval raised from 0.05 to 0.10.


This basically halves the damage of the skill, since there will be much less bolts casted... Such a disappointment.



Time to focus 100% on Tree of Savior now o/



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The problem on letting ta high interval on LS is that the damages takes a long time to " circle around ". Using DI Q as an example, the mobs from to you in a frontal way, and since the dmg is in circles, you take a long time to do any valuable dmg. Due to this reason, now brandish seems better than LS...the skill is pretty much dead.

If you try to set up the mobs for an archer( align them ) its even worse as LS will hit only ONCE on them ( due to the fact that they are in front of you and such )




back to lure

deal ^^

but if ks 145+ can kill with SoJ or Brandish :D

the game is not only for 145 + krika. we have already been through it and ks 15x was lurer back in the days.


imagine a 12x ks who cant exp by himself...

there wont be new players in this game due to the fact he cant exp alone.

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I know zor ,

And you know ks can exp solo with good gears and a good build skills

And have many quest for new players

Daily 110+ 12x+

Endless Tower PT Q


UND Q k9's can rule in und q finishing quest in 20 / 25 min and in und q no need wait 1hr for get xp


The problem is , lot players are lazy to exp solo or try differents things to exp


Nowdays is very rarely see etQ, for ct3Q and diQ ks is just lurer now (again).

About ft1, ft2, ks dont tank very well there (talking about a 11x not full equiped. If the player is new, probly dont have enough gold for have good items + good mixes).

About ad... the problem there ofc isnt the tank, but is the killing. They dont kill like prs or mage (i am not talking about damage), knight must "lure" mobs for can use brandish at 100% of his potential. Probly u think "he is lazy for lure"... i am not, the main problem is u need time for lure, plus need more time for kill because your dmg is low.

Is like when some ppl say "all classes can xp solo"... that is just a myth.


Many ppl that though that LS was overpowered... yes it was, but just in numbers. In reality, as luizlink64 posted some days ago in another thread, LS have a lot of weakness, that make the player PLAY, and not just use autoclick or use shift + click. Right now, the skill have worst numbers (isnt overpowered anymore), but still have same (or more) weakness, where is the skill balance then?


Before the LS was an skill useless, after they updated, it got "overpowered" but we can saw how is the proper way for use and all his potential. Later, 1 week ago, they balanced withouth tell nobody (in the patch notes didnt say anything) and the skill sux already, long delay wasnt the best solution, but compared to now was ok. But now, they just make the skill useless. Where is the point of have a passive lvl 10 and stm mix on boots for an skill from T5 that actually is worst than Brandish?


We are going to an extreme to another... before was overpowered, now is useless. And ppl still say: go use brandish for train solo in xp map :v

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I know zor ,

And you know ks can exp solo with good gears and a good build skills

And have many quest for new players

Daily 110+ 12x+

Endless Tower PT Q


UND Q k9's can rule in und q finishing quest in 20 / 25 min and in und q no need wait 1hr for get xp


The problem is , lot players are lazy to exp solo or try differents things to exp


Nowdays is very rarely see etQ, for ct3Q and diQ ks is just lurer now (again).

About ft1, ft2, ks dont tank very well there (talking about a 11x not full equiped. If the player is new, probly dont have enough gold for have good items + good mixes).

About ad... the problem there ofc isnt the tank, but is the killing. They dont kill like prs or mage (i am not talking about damage), knight must "lure" mobs for can use brandish at 100% of his potential. Probly u think "he is lazy for lure"... i am not, the main problem is u need time for lure, plus need more time for kill because your dmg is low.

Is like when some ppl say "all classes can xp solo"... that is just a myth.


Many ppl that though that LS was overpowered... yes it was, but just in numbers. In reality, as luizlink64 posted some days ago in another thread, LS have a lot of weakness, that make the player PLAY, and not just use autoclick or use shift + click. Right now, the skill have worst numbers (isnt overpowered anymore), but still have same (or more) weakness, where is the skill balance then?


Before the LS was an skill useless, after they updated, it got "overpowered" but we can saw how is the proper way for use and all his potential. Later, 1 week ago, they balanced withouth tell nobody (in the patch notes didnt say anything) and the skill sux already, long delay wasnt the best solution, but compared to now was ok. But now, they just make the skill useless. Where is the point of have a passive lvl 10 and stm mix on boots for an skill from T5 that actually is worst than Brandish?


We are going to an extreme to another... before was overpowered, now is useless. And ppl still say: go use brandish for train solo in xp map :v

bro she doesnt even know what she is talking about... dont worry  ;)

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I know zor ,

And you know ks can exp solo with good gears and a good build skills

And have many quest for new players

Daily 110+ 12x+

Endless Tower PT Q


UND Q k9's can rule in und q finishing quest in 20 / 25 min and in und q no need wait 1hr for get xp


The problem is , lot players are lazy to exp solo or try differents things to exp


too lazy plz tell me ur lvl which u reached on ept :) 5x ? 6x ? ...


we are here on a pserver so why make a game harder on a pserver when this game was hard enough to get a good lvl on real server ? so ppl arent lazy all the time .. ppl just dont wanna sit forever on 1 spot like earlier in ds hs or bee cave hs or s1 hs or s2 hs ... iron hs and so on...

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The thing is : LS now is horrible.



Death island quest used to be 20 mins on Hard with my KS 154. Now it is 27 mins hard Q.


this is how bad it is, if it changed 2 or 3 mins it would be alright, as it would be the same with any other character at the same level ( even prs or mage ). But now is by far the worst skill.


LS was simply butchered. If you want to nerf a skill like this, at least move some of its power to another skill. Buff brandish or something like that. You hitted the nerf hammer so hard from every single side possible. Duration was reduced, damage was reduced , DPS ( damage per second ) was reduced. You simply killed it.



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The thing is : LS now is horrible.



Death island quest used to be 20 mins on Hard with my KS 154. Now it is 27 mins hard Q.


this is how bad it is, if it changed 2 or 3 mins it would be alright, as it would be the same with any other character at the same level ( even prs or mage ). But now is by far the worst skill.


LS was simply butchered. If you want to nerf a skill like this, at least move some of its power to another skill. Buff brandish or something like that. You hitted the nerf hammer so hard from every single side possible. Duration was reduced, damage was reduced , DPS ( damage per second ) was reduced. You simply killed it.


They dont wanna we lvl so fast, thats why sometime ago diQ changed... a lot of ppl is already 14x. New map will be released "soon", and it is will be for lvl 140. So, actually mostly of the ppl will can enter there.

That is bad, good? Guessing that Lab will be for hunt, for one side this is good: will have a lot of hunters there, and not just an elite of "high lvls". In the other hand, map will be full because everyone will go there for try his luck with drop and a lot of ppl will be able for enter; not mention the case if they add a new party Q for train.

I am not saying u are wrong or right. But say that diQ isnt fast as before, I dont think they care (Before LS had the old upgrade, diQ take 30-40 min for be done in normal).

The BIG PROBLEM is that the knight today become the worst class. Someone said, ks is the second best tanker of the game, but I ask u: U saw any knight play as tanker on any party Q? No, because can't tank... The playstile today in rpt demand an aoe skill for be a killer, have high abs and block for have a tanker.

They development a great skill, probly the best in game till now (not in numbers, but the best in playability and how it works). And they ruined it on purpose.

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I am very disappointed with this change. Too heavy, unable to adapt to today, behind holding shields stood in robes occupation? In addition to a robe of my friends to help me to resist the monster, I can't find the courage to come up with two handed sword  :-[

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Not only the max duration got reduced to 8 sec and damage lowered to 70%, but the most important thing: Bolt interval raised from 0.05 to 0.10.


This basically halves the damage of the skill, since there will be much less bolts casted... Such a disappointment.



Time to focus 100% on Tree of Savior now o/


Enjoy the wipe  ;)

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