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When will mechs stop being fked up?

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I play the class that's supposed to tank and it's not tanking at all, something isn't right. That's it


For sure less than 2% of all players here onwtcan say they're new to this game, the others played it before somewhere else, and big part of these players have been playing PT for a long time


So everyone here knows the possibilities of the classes we have available to play. Everyone knows who's weak tanking, who's good hunting, the fast xpers, the huge damage dealers. I'm not talking to new players, am I? So you all know the good and the bad poit of those classes


As a mech player I know the game formulas for them are the worst for damage and HP, that they only got 1 PvP skill, the most weak meele skill, but on the other hand mech got the best tanking skills, what makes a mech a powerful tanker on team fights, holding on it's back many aggressors and a good char for 1x1, as they can stand agaist powerful attacks and with some time they can beat the opposite by persistance


All the disavantages of playing mech still exist, while the good point of tanking just don't work. If you take a look every other meele class got pretty high attack power, higher HP, critical boosts and attacking skills that are way more powerful than mechs. Would be no problem get no power boost if the tanking was working properly, but it's not

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I hope mech will be fixed someday


The idea of being able to tank ONLY if you boost your HP up is just RIDICULOUS




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The idea of being able to tank ONLY if you boost your HP up is just RIDICULOUS


Dude, now that you talk about it, for some reason, my mage almost dies in MD1 when he has no Virtual Life (which means he has 500 HP or something like that), but then, when he has VL (650 HP or something) he doesn't even use a simple HP potion! His HP doesn't drop at all! :o


How the hell is that possible? ???

I should lose the same amount of HP, but use potions less often since I have more HP. That's not what happens.


And I hate to waste stat points in health. I wanna feel like a powerfull killer that has lots of spirit, instead of a shitty punch bag that has lots of health.

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The idea of being able to tank ONLY if you boost your HP up is just RIDICULOUS


Dude, now that you talk about it, for some reason, my mage almost dies in MD1 when he has no Virtual Life (which means he has 500 HP or something like that), but then, when he has VL (650 HP or something) he doesn't even use a simple HP potion! His HP doesn't drop at all! :o


How the hell is that possible? ???

I should lose the same amount of HP, but use potions less often since I have more HP. That's not what happens.


And I hate to waste stat points in health. I wanna feel like a powerfull killer that has lots of spirit, instead of a shitty punch bag that has lots of health.


This is a broken game, didn't you know?

And btw, if you pay attention you'll see there's times you tank well and times you tank miserably (armor/robe bug), as far as I know, VL somehow "fix" this problem, but I'll never have enough "knowledge" of the in game mechanics bugs to explain it.

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I totally agree. If i go PvP with my knight, i can SURVIVE a cl. Mechs shouldnt be much harmed by cl either.

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I hope mech will be fixed someday


The idea of being able to tank ONLY if you boost your HP up is just RIDICULOUS





I disagree.


That's exactly how it works at others (and a lot more complexes) MMOs, like World of Warcraft, for instance. Well, HP plus defensive gear and talents.


What sounds ridiculous to me is leaving HP stats at base and being able to tank.



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What is ridiculous is that any class with a lot less defensive stats than me with base hp can tank a lot better :)

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What is ridiculous is that any class with a lot less defensive stats than me with base hp can tank a lot better :)


Agreed. LOL!

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Wow this topic really catches my attention as I just started playing on this server. Looking at the changes of the skills made to the mech, it has greatly boost its abs, that's a gd thing. For its hp, it will be relatively lower compared to other melee classes if the char is left with base health stats. Maybe this is to ensure fairness among the different melee classes as mech has a boost of def and abs. So in theory, mech could have a more powerful tanking ability. But seeing from real game play, the other melee classes could tank better with higher hp and there could kill much more faster. And being killed with a single cl is seriously absurd considering the high imba tanking attributes. So my point is that hp is more vital for tanking rather than def and abs? If that is so, isn't mech a rather useless class in pt with its weak att pow and a high abs and def jus for 'show'. Or just simple numbers to show off to other ppl? =/

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Wow this topic really catches my attention as I just started playing on this server. Looking at the changes of the skills made to the mech, it has greatly boost its abs, that's a gd thing. For its hp, it will be relatively lower compared to other melee classes if the char is left with base health stats. Maybe this is to ensure fairness among the different melee classes as mech has a boost of def and abs. So in theory, mech could have a more powerful tanking ability. But seeing from real game play, the other melee classes could tank better with higher hp and there could kill much more faster. And being killed with a single cl is seriously absurd considering the high imba tanking attributes. So my point is that hp is more vital for tanking rather than hp and abs? If that is also, isn't mech a rather useless class in pt with its weak att pow and a high abs and def jus for 'show'. Or just simple numbers to show off to other ppl? =/


mech got disabled/nerfed because it was immortal :P


And yes, in PT if you have HUGE hp then you might be good tank even if you don't have good def and abs (e.g., mage punchbags).

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Wow this topic really catches my attention as I just started playing on this server. Looking at the changes of the skills made to the mech, it has greatly boost its abs, that's a gd thing. For its hp, it will be relatively lower compared to other melee classes if the char is left with base health stats. Maybe this is to ensure fairness among the different melee classes as mech has a boost of def and abs. So in theory, mech could have a more powerful tanking ability. But seeing from real game play, the other melee classes could tank better with higher hp and there could kill much more faster. And being killed with a single cl is seriously absurd considering the high imba tanking attributes. So my point is that hp is more vital for tanking rather than def and abs? If that is so, isn't mech a rather useless class in pt with its weak att pow and a high abs and def jus for 'show'. Or just simple numbers to show off to other ppl? =/

Simple, mech just don't work~ get a char with the same HP from another class that it will tank way better (best choice to do that is knight, that got the same HP formula, plus some tanking skills, lower than mech's)

But how and why is that happening? That's what I want to know


mech got disabled/nerfed because it was immortal :P

That never happened~

And no one here is talking about HP, what's so hard to understand on that?


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Mechs should be near immortal since they hardly harm opponents..., I played other servers where like 5 ppl were needed to take a good mech (player) down, while otherways a mech can barely kill some1 else. thats how it is!

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Mechs should be near immortal since they hardly harm opponents..., I played other servers where like 5 ppl were needed to take a good mech (player) down, while otherways a mech can barely kill some1 else. thats how it is!


Sadly, 1 cl could replace 5 ppl.

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the guy is totally non sense. Here in Brasil, Rio Grande do Sul, we call it a "viamão lotado" Wich means "nonsense" hehehehe...

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WTH do skill duration have with it


This server have huge amount of skill duration Thats why Skill of mech is kinda crazy.. I give u an example:  Culposion,ENergy shieild they do have small amount of duration if u playnormal game( i think is more than 1 minute).... I tried to play mech before and I know mech is a Drug Dealer but Sometimes I die becuz I forget To buffs myself......


And I have other thing why mech cant fucked up.....The thing is this server have low damge of weapon and Huge Defense of armor... I think ITs not balance?

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mech got disabled/nerfed because it was immortal :P

That never happened~

And no one here is talking about HP, what's so hard to understand on that?

that happened in RedemptionPT and ePT  :)

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WTH do skill duration have with it


This server have huge amount of skill duration Thats why Skill of mech is kinda crazy.. I give u an example:  Culposion,ENergy shieild they do have small amount of duration if u playnormal game( i think is more than 1 minute).... I tried to play mech before and I know mech is a Drug Dealer but Sometimes I die becuz I forget To buffs myself......


And I have other thing why mech cant fruited up.....The thing is this server have low damge of weapon and Huge Defense of armor... I think ITs not balance?

There's nothing wrong with the skills or it's durations >__>

And LOL if the weapons are weak and the defenses are strong it should make mech even better tanking, isn't it?



that happened in RedemptionPT and ePT  :)

Interesting... can mech tank in any of those servers? >__>



Changes coming, time to close this~

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