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Fighter vs. Pikeman, consider w/ Tier 5!!

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IMO pike's tier5 skills wont give any changes in 1x1

that skill "Stealth", itis just super for gank

anyhow its totally useless in 1x1

other pike's tier5 skills seem useless from the data


fighter's tier5 skills are much more better


tier5 ks & ms are definitely monsters

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Ask sandy and mercury to test it together


Don't, please.

A battle between 2 Gods will never be good for us, mortals.

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Ask sandy and mercury to test it together


Don't, please.

A battle between 2 Gods will never be good for us, mortals.


A battle between 2 gods would make some awesome movie!



Btw, if the T5 mech skills won't be bugged, try killing one of those when T5 is out xD

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The invisibility don't seem to be that good at all, Vanish still rocking, and the damage on the throwing thing isn't that big to kill something. Pikes didn't get real big bonus with T5


But fighters will get attack power and critical


Power boost on PvP masters, no way to beat~



BTW, on northic mythology hell is an iced place


We will get the bonus of p=attack again, since sandurr nerfed berserker and from that time we cant use it anymore cause at lvl 5 it does drop 30 abs .. so totally useless.

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