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Exp Abuse Cases

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Garden of Freedom -> a place for others people discuss and have right of Freedom of Speech.

This topic is for others people to Discuss  about my case. ( please do not Remove it)






1.Does PVP EXP Table a need?

2.Is there anyway to know others people are watching you?

3.Does we need Champion Buff?

4. Any specific rule about Abuse EXP? How much diferences in LVL to be consider Abuse? and how do you know that you are abuse?


All Player have any Suggestion? Feedback? Idea? Feel Free to post it.

All Flame War or Crying will be ignore by me.

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Simple, if you get PvP EXP from a player who's dying purposely to raise your Battle EXP = abusing, and will lead to punishment.

This topic was created with the intention of judging a staff's member decision as many others were and that's why it was deleted. If you have any question that only us staff can answer (things like this) feel free to PM any of us and we'll reply to all your doubts as soon as possible.

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