RZOMG1 0 Report post Posted August 28, 2010 I've been to MANY pt severs before, sum have skills manager sum don't. The question is, if you redistribute your skills (back to lvl 0 for all skills), do you have to train all the skills "again" from tier 1~3 in order to gain 100%? Or is there a skill manager here (which i can't find) to redistribute the skills and make them 100%. From what i've seen, i think it's the same from ePT or UniquePT where you have to train your skills to get a 100% from tier 1~3 right? NOW NOOBs, before you say anything, don't ask me "why are you asking the question if you already know the answer." I'm asking just to confirm about it. AND, i know there's [glow=red,2,300]Skills Crystals[/glow] to train the skills to 100, so all the noobs out there who's gonna yell, "why don't you just train them you Lazy f*ck @ss", pliz stfu, i'm only asking, not complaining. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mercury 0 Report post Posted August 28, 2010 Yea you gotta train them or use Skill Crystals. There is "100 APT Weapons" here which also makes skill training faster Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rehv 0 Report post Posted August 28, 2010 Yea you gotta train them or use Skill Crystals. There is "100 APT Weapons" here which also makes skill training faster Been looking for a "sword" but can't find it anywhere... in upt it dropped from decoys in atlantis, but here we have dummy -answer noob pls? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mercury 0 Report post Posted August 28, 2010 Hmm have you tried GoF? Because I have no clue Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RZOMG1 0 Report post Posted August 28, 2010 Ahh tyvm Mercury, so that "100 APT Weapons" what do they look like? Since it's Offline right now, i can't check it in-game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rehv 0 Report post Posted August 28, 2010 Hmm have you tried GoF? Because I have no clue I've tried even road to the wind. Btw, I managed to find lots of javelin, but none with spec I just thought it was a dead feature, that's why I asked you, mercury on RZOMG1 post, they are the first weapons ever for each class. Check game guide. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RZOMG1 0 Report post Posted August 28, 2010 ahhh like steel axe, edged jav, stuff like those?? But it's funny cuz stone axe and jav are suppose to be 1st. Gimme sum examples from the Weapon list, like those names. ty :-X :-X :-X Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rehv 0 Report post Posted August 28, 2010 ahhh like steel axe, edged jav, stuff like those?? No, that order is screwed up because it's by level. I think the right ones would be stone axe(not sure) and javelin (100% sure) (never played a fighter from the start ) EDIT (cause u edit urs): It's: Wand, Stone Axe, Dagger (with the image of login dagger if I'm right), Eagle claw, Short Bow, Javelin, Pole (lol I guess hammer doesn't have apt) EDIT 2: and Eagle claw would be the flowers, but I guess that's too old and got replaced. Anyway, I don't see any of those now. (They are very rare to drop to start with, then it's rare to get a spec...) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aydinerkan 1 Report post Posted August 28, 2010 i dont think those items are still able to drop Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rehv 0 Report post Posted August 28, 2010 i dont think those items are still able to drop just what I thought but then mercury said that maybe those weapons accidentaly decided to walk away from the server during some weird maintenance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RZOMG1 0 Report post Posted August 28, 2010 hopefully after the maint, more of those weapons will be dropped. LOL wishful thinking . . . . Btw, those items don't have to be spec. in order to train skills faster right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mercury 0 Report post Posted August 28, 2010 They have to be Speced to be able to benefit from the 100 APT. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TripleR 0 Report post Posted August 28, 2010 i know there's Skills Crystals to train the skills to 100 But did you know that the Purple Skill Crystal trains all your skills to 100% instantly? It is rare and expensive, though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
December 0 Report post Posted August 28, 2010 i know there's Skills Crystals to train the skills to 100 But did you know that the Purple Skill Crystal trains all your skills to 100% instantly It is rare and expensive, though. a few rounds of sod will get you 10kk-15kk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rehv 0 Report post Posted August 28, 2010 i know there's Skills Crystals to train the skills to 100 But did you know that the Purple Skill Crystal trains all your skills to 100% instantly It is rare and expensive, though. a few rounds of sod will get you 10kk-15kk and how will u get to kill monsters with no skillz? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
December 0 Report post Posted August 28, 2010 i know there's Skills Crystals to train the skills to 100 But did you know that the Purple Skill Crystal trains all your skills to 100% instantly It is rare and expensive, though. a few rounds of sod will get you 10kk-15kk and how will u get to kill monsters with no skillz? come again? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RZOMG1 0 Report post Posted August 29, 2010 Ok mercury, i found a stone axe that's FS spec, but if it doesn't say 100 APT then it's no use? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rehv 0 Report post Posted August 29, 2010 Ok mercury, i found a stone axe that's FS spec, but if it doesn't say 100 APT then it's no use? Yep But I think that if mercury said that there should be, then shall I suggest to quickly change item zhoon so we all can get APT weps ? : D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RZOMG1 0 Report post Posted August 29, 2010 Ugh, i found 20 stone axes, one of them is FS spec, but it didn't say "100 APT" :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rehv 0 Report post Posted August 29, 2010 Ugh, i found 20 stone axes, one of them is FS spec, but it didn't say "100 APT" :P Yeah, it's that hard. On a previous topic I said I've got a lot of javelins but no spec... now you know what I mean Share this post Link to post Share on other sites