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Shaman Nerf

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I am shaman, and also complained of nerf that my class took, but now I think totally different after I got 127/128 I started going sod / pvp after the nerf, and felt difference to pve shaman is really good weakened, but in pvp I being 127 can kill a priestess 137 with only one skill, and kill a pike 140 alone, and my equipment is not so good, my bracelet is still the 110, and my rings dropei in ct3 quest and are out of spec, to resolve this question a bit to use "meteor shaman" in pvp, just do the same as skill knight (brandish) -50% in pvp, will help the shaman to resume its place in pve and not will be too strong in pvp with a skill up, the issue is that the shaman is still very strong in pvp, but is much weaker in pve, but can be buffed without any problem in pve without interfering in pvp.


Exactly, that's why i try to say, but i never do pvp.



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