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Hello everyone!


Today when I saw kenshiro's post in suggestions I got a small idea.



You can do 3 things in PT: exp, hunt, pvp. Classes should be good at 2 things and weak on the third one to make it well balanced, ...


So I thought; this sounds about right? Like it "should" be.


So I got the idea of making a list, a list where I and you rate how each class is doing in exp, hunt and pvp.


What I would like you to do is post a "list" (your thoughts on how to rate each class through different aspects)

You help me with this list and it will eventually lead to changes ingame that will help you :)


Here is a suggestion on how a post could look like:


exp, hunt, pvp from 1-5



|4, 5, 5

|tot: 14



|3, 5, 5

|tot: 13



|4, 4, 4

|tot: 12



|4, 4, 4

|tot: 12



|4, 3, 3

|tot: 10



|4, 3, 2

|tot: 9



|5, 1, 3

|tot: 9



|2, 3, 3

|tot: 8

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fs : 2-4-5 = 10

ks : 3-4-4 = 11

ms : 3-3-3 = 9

as : 4-3-4 = 11

ata : 4-4-4 = 12

ps : 4-4-5 = 14

Prs : 4-1-1 = 6

mgs : 5-1-2 = 8


Exp - hunt - pvp

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3, 5, 4

Total: 12



2, 4, 4

Total: 10



4, 4, 5

Total: 13



3, 5, 5

Total: 13



4, 4, 5

Total: 13



5, 3, 2

Total: 10



5, 3, 3

Total: 11



2, 3, 2

Total: 7


Exp, Hunt, PvP

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exp, hunt, pvp from 1-5



|4, 4, 5  (13)



|3, 4, 5  (12)



|4, 3, 5  (12)



|4, 3, 3  (10)



|5, 5, 4  (14)



|4, 5, 3  (12)



|5, 4, 2  (11)



|5, 2, 2  (9)


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3 > 3 > 3 = 9



2 > 3 > 4 = 9



4 > 3 > 5 = 12



5 > 4 > 3 = 12



3 > 5 > 3 = 11



4 > 1 > 1 = 6



5 > 1 > 1 = 7



2 > 2 > 3 = 7

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|3, 5, 3 (11) :)



|2, 5, 3  (10):(



|4, 3, 4 (11)



|4, 4, 4 (12)



|4, 4, 4 (12) ;)



|5, 1, 1 (7)



|5, 1, 1 (7)



|3, 3, 3 (9)

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Exp: 1

Hunt: 4

PvP: 5

Total: 10



Exp: 1

Hunt: 2

PvP: 4

Total: 6



Exp: 4

Hunt: 4

PvP: 5

Total: 13



Exp: 4

Hunt: 4

PvP: 3

Total: 12



Exp: 3

Hunt: 5

PvP: 4

Total: 12



Exp: 4

Hunt: 5

PvP: 4

Total: 13



Exp: 5

Hunt: 1

PvP: 1

Total: 7



Exp: 5

Hunt: 1

PvP: 1

Total: 7

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Honored that my quote has become famous  :P


exp, hunt, pvp from 1-5



|4, 5, 4

|tot: 13



|2, 4, 4

|tot: 10



|3, 4, 5

|tot: 12



|4, 5, 4

|tot: 13



|4, 4, 3

|tot: 11



|4, 3, 2

|tot: 9



|5, 1, 2

|tot: 8



|2, 4, 3

|tot: 9

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|4, 5, 5

|tot: 14

Tank + high damage

Good aoe



|2, 5, 5

|tot: 12

Huge damage

aoe really sucks



|4, 4, 5

|tot: 13

Good aoe skill

Low attack rating, too much misses while hunting

C'mon, skills that KO, huge damage, hell high critical



|5, 4, 4

|tot: 13

Best aoe skill at all

As a ranger char the low HP can be a problem sometimes



|4, 4, 4

|tot: 12

Like atalantas the low HP + low tanking can be a problem, but still got a huge damage



|5, 3, 2

|tot: 10

Find parties easily. Specially strong against undeads, what's useful while training after lvl110



|5, 2, 2

|tot: 9

360° damage skill that don't need any target \o/

Kill many mobs at once, but when hunting it takes a lot. On PvP it just get BPs on the mess of the siege, killing random people with area damaging



|4, 3, 3

|tot: 10

Yes, 4 on training. Did you ever tried spark? Plus: tanking, you can train solo without any problem, while many others face difficulties and need party, or even priestess support

Tanking help on hunting, but low damage aff

The defensive powers don't work properly. You still can PvP a bit, but it's weak




As everyone did, stats are training/hunting/PvP

I think people should explain their choices. It's too easy to just add a number to something that maybe you don't even know. If there's justification of why people chose those "stats" we can discuss about and get a conclusion :P

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|4, 5, 4

|tot: 13



|2, 5, 5

|tot: 12



|4, 4, 5

|tot: 13



|5, 5, 4

|tot: 14



|3, 4, 3

|tot: 10



|5, 3, 1

|tot: 9



|5, 2, 1

|tot: 8



|4, 3, 2

|tot: 9

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i think would be good to add tank in the options

Hm I made something like this jan 2008 for the old rpt so its totaly outdated.

And I also had tank + support in my list but not pvp because a good 1vs1 char was good for both, hunt and pvp.



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|4, 5, 5

|tot: 14



|3, 5, 5

|tot: 13



|3, 4, 5

|tot: 12



|4, 4, 4

|tot: 12



|4, 3, 3

|tot: 10



|4, 3, 2

|tot: 9



|5, 1, 3

|tot: 9



|2, 3, 3

|tot: 8

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Exp Hunt PvP


Knight 4-5-5  = 14


Fighter 2-5-5 = 12


Pikeman 4-1-5 = 10


Mechanican 2-2-2 = 6


Archer 4-4-3 = 11


Atlanta 4-4-5 = 13


Magician 5-1-3 = 9


Priestess 5-2-3 = 10

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Exp: 1

Hunt: 4

PvP: 5

Total: 10



Exp: 2

Hunt: 3

PvP: 5

Total: 10



Exp: 4

Hunt: 4

PvP: 5

Total: 13



Exp: 5

Hunt: 5

PvP: 2

Total: 12



Exp: 4

Hunt: 5

PvP: 3

Total: 11



Exp: 4

Hunt: 5

PvP: 3

Total: 12



Exp: 5

Hunt: 1

PvP: 1

Total: 7



Exp: 5

Hunt: 5

PvP: 5

Total: 15

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i think would be good to add tank in the options

Hm I made something like this jan 2008 for the old rpt so its totaly outdated.

And I also had tank + support in my list but not pvp because a good 1vs1 char was good for both, hunt and pvp.




Thats the unique suggestion in this post that make sense, rest is bullshit. Everyone wants their char with 13-14-15 points, while others with 7-10?


Every char has to get the same points ( ex 12 ) But some dumbasses wants 1 class with 15 and other with 7? WTF?


So, knights, mechs, fighters, pikemans, archers, atas, prs and mgs have to be with total of 12 to 15 points of total.


Some with more points in 1vs1 (pvp) others with more points in AOE skill ( exp), some with more power to tank ( like mechs and mgs)


For now i think its enough, later i will think more about it and post.




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many votes here are made by people who have no idea, and probably never played other classes


mechs are shitty in pvp and people give them 5

but they xp fast (very good pve tanking, good area dmg) and people give them 2...




my vote for mechs :



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i think would be good to add tank in the options

Hm I made something like this jan 2008 for the old rpt so its totaly outdated.

And I also had tank + support in my list but not pvp because a good 1vs1 char was good for both, hunt and pvp.




Thats the unique suggestion in this post that make sense, rest is bullshit. Everyone wants their char with 13-14-15 points, while others with 7-10?


Every char has to get the same points ( ex 12 ) But some dumbasses wants 1 class with 15 and other with 7? WTF?


So, knights, mechs, fighters, pikemans, archers, atas, prs and mgs have to be with total of 12 to 15 points of total.


Some with more points in 1vs1 (pvp) others with more points in AOE skill ( exp), some with more power to tank ( like mechs and mgs)


For now i think its enough, later i will think more about it and post.

I think you probably didnt read the first post?

As this topic is not abt what you want, its abt how it currently is.

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Look at PvP scores, look at SoD scores, and stop posting shit numbers just because you/your friends play that class and no other.

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I think everyone should only vote for the char they have theirself


Mech 5/3/1


IMO it should be 5/4/3

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i think would be good to add tank in the options

Hm I made something like this jan 2008 for the old rpt so its totaly outdated.

And I also had tank + support in my list but not pvp because a good 1vs1 char was good for both, hunt and pvp.




Thats the unique suggestion in this post that make sense, rest is bullshit. Everyone wants their char with 13-14-15 points, while others with 7-10?


Every char has to get the same points ( ex 12 ) But some dumbasses wants 1 class with 15 and other with 7? WTF?


So, knights, mechs, fighters, pikemans, archers, atas, prs and mgs have to be with total of 12 to 15 points of total.


Some with more points in 1vs1 (pvp) others with more points in AOE skill ( exp), some with more power to tank ( like mechs and mgs)


For now i think its enough, later i will think more about it and post.

I think you probably didnt read the first post?

As this topic is not abt what you want, its abt how it currently is.


I did.. but a thing that i dont  agree cause make no sense is : why some chars has 13-15 points while others has 7-10 points? I tought the idea of this server was to " balance" every class, or i am wrong?


So IMO every char should have the same ammount of points, ex :15


so, mechs should get more points into tank, mgs/prs should get more points in AOE skills, fs should get more points in 1vs1, etc... but i cant understan ur idea leave it as it is, thats not a balance if u ask me..

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This is not a suggestion of how things should be, man. The stats people are pointing are about how the things really are


And in my opinion just putting numbers without justifying them is pretty useless. Anyone can put 1 for mages on training and 5 for them on PvP, as exemple >__>

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|2, 3, 2

|tot: 7


exp: low abs, die like flies - most expensive activity for archer

hunt: poor hp formula - 2 hits = die

pvp: die > kill - see leader board archer section

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