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Hunt only nice if you got a tank or when you abuse bugs

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i dont get why ppl post only abt 1 class... this is getting alot of spam

i think we should make a new one taking exce options (1x1, masskill(aoe), tank, support)

and also a disscusion topic to avoid ppl comments

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Because you can judge your class the best ?


Btw you've tested vigor ball for prs ? it's pretty quick now. Don't understand why you ive prs a 1 in hunting. Youll do probably more damage then gogg with vigor ball :P

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I guess our own votes give a general idea about classes. Ofc they can't be 100% accurate because nobody has played all 8 classes from lvl 1 to 140 onwt(yeah, rpt because it's different than ept, kpt or any other server due to skills and mobs customization) and knows exactly how they work, what they can or cannot do.


Wartale and Mercury can test all classes under any possible condition and not only at lvl 140 with everything maxed out so imho it would be a good idea to tell what kind of experience you have with a class or why you gave those numbers, that would make their work easier indeed.


Everyone can edit his own post adding details, no need to make a new topic about it. Then admins will check if what players say is true. Generally speaking most of the classes have at least 50% of unused skills and the builds, expecially without the limit to SP/EP, are pretty much standard so testing shouldn't be that hard :P

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i dont get why ppl post only abt 1 class... this is getting alot of spam

i think we should make a new one taking exce options (1x1, masskill(aoe), tank, support)

and also a disscusion topic to avoid ppl comments


you can try by playing all 8 classes and get them  level 140 and see which class is better

only if you have the time rofl.

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I think you guys should not balance the skills yet. The reason is pretty simple: If you balance them now, they will get unbalanced when T5 arrives. For example: I've seen people in this topic giving mages 1 on PVP (I've seen people giving 5 too, but that's just retarded). Although mages could be 1 on PVP now, they will get better when T5 arrives with their new skill: Amplify.


Let's consider my mage as an example:

Level 107 using a crappy staff; Death Ray level 10; Spirit Elemental level 10.


My current damage with Death Ray: 90(+408)-119(+644)

My current damage with Spirit Elemental + Death Ray: 90(+578)-119(+870)

Assuming Amplify (Tier 5 skill) adds 46% Damage Boost on level 10, my damage with SE and Death Ray would be something like: 975-1443 (total).


Seems pretty nice. Or am I doing anything wrong here? I don't know, I might be. But my point is: don't balance the skills, yet (unless T5 takes a lot of time to arrive, in that case, you should do it).

P.S: I'm not saying to not change any skill at all! Some skills need to be fixed as soon as possible (mech's skills, for example). Still, balancing is not the same as fixing. ;)


And these are my thoughts on mages:

Exp: 5 (Diastrophism has 360º area range; doesn't need any target; it's fast; nice damage.)

Hunt: 3 (It may take a little bit more time to kill these mobs but it's not that hard. Flame Wave level 10 or Death Ray level 10 should be good enough.)

PVP: I don't know, but probably 2. (While mages can actually tank, it may take some time to kill. Still, Distortion + Spirit Elemental + Death Ray level 10 + nice wand/staff may kill a lot of people, I don't know.)


Keep in mind that this is just my personal opinion & experience and should not be taken too seriously.

Thanks. :)

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