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New BC Anti-Lag changes

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Hi, been a long time that I dont write a new thread.



I want to discuss about the changes regarding connection at BC. First of all, it's really cool to see RPT staff playing around highly technical stuff like data transfer speed of such ancient game. At first it brought many issues, but please, don't feel discouraged, I believe it's a really important direction towards greater results. The game has different transfer speeds for different data types (damage and object animation update / location for example), and I've did a suggestion to try to make them the same and quicker, so i'm happy that you guys are planning to increase the game data transfer speed.




I can't assume what exactly have changed, but it seems that Wartale tried to make the object data transfer at greater speed to match the same speed of the damage data. If it wasn't this, please, anyone feel free to correct me!


Instead of asking to revert the changes, let's try to help making the new ones better.



Positive changes that i've found so far:


-Enemy HP update speed is much higher / instantaneous.

-Enemy animation is much more syncronized with their damage dealt / taken (Its the best one so far - this change is what will reduce the lag of PVP)

-Their position in the map updated at much more faster pace


And a special one:


Since ever, PT managed extremely bad the execution of other players animations and graphics/sound effects. For example - Archer Phoenix Shot projectile effect wasnt displayed at all for other players, creating a weird situation where you take damage from archers, but you can't see the Phoenix Shot graphic projectile.


With the new changes, the Phoenix Shot is being displayed - not in a perfect fashion, some still doesn't display the graphic effect, but at least many of phoenix shot display the effect correctly.


Other issues that was fixed was the execution of sound effects - many skills when being casted non stop, failed to execute the proper sound effect. Atalanta's Twisted Javelin was an example - before the update,  subsequent  casts did not executed the sound effect, now, its playing at almost perfect rate.



Now, things that gone wrong and need tweaks:


- Stunning skills produces multiples stunning graphic effect (the stars that spins above the character head)

- Effects based on time are being displayed multiple times, much faster than intended, like Mechanician Magnet Spheres, Priestess Mu Spell


Possible reason:


I believe in both cases, the graphics effects was synced with old, normal update speeds, not with the skill parameter. Its important to remeber that only the graphics effects are being displayed faster, not the damage itself.


I believe the issue is: Before, the complete graphic motion was being fully executed inside in the full time of a single update - now, the graphic effect is not executed in time of the next update (because there is less gap between updates), and instead of keeping the current state of motion animation, it RESETs , displaying more effects that intended.



This explain why players are running in weird motions, because the running animation is reseting way faster than before.  I know nothing about the game network mechanics, but perhaps it could be solved by ignoring animations resets untill new animation is executed, like stopping, walking, attacking.



Also, something must be wrong with the client synchronization when receiving and executing data from server, there are many cases of packages of data being looped. For example, dying multiple times, or walking to one direction, then being teleported back and walking to the same direction, etc.


It seems that the client is reading packages of old, persistent data, at the same time it reads new data. This create the looping / flashing players effects.


The HP bar is also out of sync - it is depleted correctly almost instantly (something good) but aftewards it gets full, without the player restoring their life. Probably the client read an old package that showed the enemy HP at full value.





Let's try to find out the reasons of the issues, and help the staff suceed in their server optimization.



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Gid Lucionee

after the new patch, BC now is sure BUG/LAG.


i saw many times a player keep on rewinding like 2-3 seconds, doing the same skill but in his PC , he is on safe zone, he aint lag, neither I not lag,


quality of the game is kinda discouraging, please just remove the unnecessary  add-ons on BC

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after the new patch, BC now is sure BUG/LAG.


i saw many times a player keep on rewinding like 2-3 seconds, doing the same skill but in his PC , he is on safe zone, he aint lag, neither I not lag,


quality of the game is kinda discouraging, please just remove the unnecessary  add-ons on BC



Yeah, the "rewind" is the game reading packages in a loop, I believe.



I strongly believe RPT team can make the new changes to work perfectly. It may take sometime, but, I strongly believe the new, faster update rates will make the game much better in the future.

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Instead of people crying when server goes up, we need more topics like this one :) to help the staff build the real deal.

seems like staff playing with the settings, and people getting mad.


for now, they can just write a notice and explain what we are testing.

no one understands how hard it is to code this game as luiz said. it is ancient...

i think staff should stop thinking of new features, and Fix all problems we have right now.


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a lot of original pt code needs to be re-written from scratch... only this will solve the infamous 4fps I have in HG with a freaking core i7... the same for BC and other stuff.


I was told this is it.

int smOBJ3D::TmAnimation( int frame, int ax, int ay, int az, smPAT3D TalkPattern, SMotionStEndInfo lpFrameInfo)


the source is available on the internet, maybe with more people trying to solve it we can improve stuff here

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I do have some basic knowledge of programming, however I don't have any experience with C, so i'm helpless with the PT source.


I have it here, all I can say is: it have a totally fucked up structure, totally messed code base. Still can't believe how Wartale managed to add stuff into this and make it work.

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the code is really hard to understand. It mixes OOP with procedural code... its really a mess. I could say I have something more than basic in C, but still I find it very difficult.


I doubt he uses exactly the same source... maybe he just got pieces of it and merged into his code....

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Wartale modifies his code for many years, so yeah, his code must be very different.


3R once said in a Dev Log that Wartale rewrote most of the game engine, so I bet he made the source much more friendly to himself and his staff. However the core mechanics of the network work the same as original PT, 3R said that they will begin to rewrite the server side of the code and I hope they don't give up on the mission, this is where they could perform an amazing performance boost regarding connection, and gain a massive advantage over any other PT server out there.




However... I still don't know why they're messing with Knight so much this time around xD Can't do shit without ABS on 2 hand sword.

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yea, maybe different but the principle should be the same...

But this lag is client-side, not server-side. I cant complain about connection lags, to be honest. The only times I get reconnects is because of my internet link indeed.


But you know, having 2, 3 people working on developing a game seems not enough.. if we had more heads thinking about the same issue, we could reach the solution easier.

Next suggestion: show your coding skills and possibily get a position in the coding staff. lol! That should be nice.


about the knight, I cant say anything, i dont play knight hehe

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I kinda understand why only a few people in the staff do some coding in the game, there were many cases of Wartale being betrayed and got his code stolen. There are some servers out there that uses RPT balance / code of some years ago, because of the betrayal.



Unfortunately this is a private game of a copyrighted stuff, so there is no other way around, the risk is high to let the code of the most optimized / debugged PT source in the hands of not trustyworth programmers.

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what can I say.. only that he trusted in the wrong guy? Sounds like im judging ...


Yea sure, imagine thousands ofwtaround there. Thats why we love OOP, if Im about to add a new window to the game, I dont need the entire source :) Just the class to inherit from.. You know what I mean? ^^


Trust can then be gained over time I think.

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lol you kidding me ? look what happens in your community..


impossible to play here and have fun without some retards fully donated thinks they are good.


the flashing lags in BC is amazing, feels like dragon ball z.


if i had my own server i would never ignore the community like the staff here does.

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lol you kidding me ? look what happens in your community..


impossible to play here and have fun without some retards fully donated thinks they are good.


the flashing lags in BC is amazing, feels like dragon ball z.


if i had my own server i would never ignore the community like the staff here does.


Hmm, so you're telling me answering to private messages, helping everyone daily and also working on new features, fixing bugs and improving the code of PT is "ignoring the community"? That's a good joke. :)

Also, you are complaining about people in BC full donate attacking you? I was online yesterday at BC hidden and I saw you attacking weaker players to get BP, then again BC is to fight and that's everyone does. If you don't like it don't join it.

You're not even whining, you're just typing false accusations to get attention and not helping at all giving suggestions to improve the server, just demoralizing the staff which is fine because we do it for the community and the server and not for people who are never happy with the effort and dedication we put in this, even in the days we are sick and have a personal problem.

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lol you kidding me ? look what happens in your community..


impossible to play here and have fun without some retards fully donated thinks they are good.


the flashing lags in BC is amazing, feels like dragon ball z.


if i had my own server i would never ignore the community like the staff here does.


Hmm, so you're telling me answering to private messages, helping everyone daily and also working on new features, fixing bugs and improving the code of PT is "ignoring the community"? That's a good joke. :)

Also, you are complaining about people in BC full donate attacking you? I was online yesterday at BC hidden and I saw you attacking weaker players to get BP, then again BC is to fight and that's everyone does. If you don't like it don't join it.

You're not even whining, you're just typing false accusations to get attention and not helping at all giving suggestions to improve the server, just demoralizing the staff which is fine because we do it for the community and the server and not for people who are never happy with the effort and dedication we put in this, even in the days we are sick and have a personal problem.

haha so you were hiding and watching people play ?

or busy answering PM ?

i duno how old are you, but i play this game over 10 years.

i know how is the realm game goes unlike 90% of this new community to this game.


i never attack people who lower than me, but it is not the case here. (you don't know if this people i chose to kill because they leech in HG, and loot in boss, also your job to kick this noob players)

but oh well you are busy right ?

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Old enough to not make posts hating on people's work.

Yes, I'm busy answering to everyone in-game and replying to every topic if I'm able to. And I also train a bit of designing for future updates for Wartale. While the rest of the staff is busy coding, fixing bugs and improving the server. What's the definition of "ignoring" to you?


Yes, I can hide in-game and see what players do while I answer to my private messages, It's not that hard.

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bc 100% bored now =/

you hit players and player teleport damn lol


You guys are misguiding the topic - complaining about how bad BC is right now, will do no good.



My point in this topic is to find and share whatever possible reasons to things that are happening ( in this case, all weird stuff ) and help the staff with some clues at what could be the source of the problems.


Instead of reverting, I would like if the staff keep going ahead with the changes and try to optimize the server side of the game. Despite the many issues, recent changes already produced quite good results - there is a noticeable boost in the speed of the data at BC, thus the time gap between damage / visuals are way shorter.



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So if you were old enough, you could find a positive posts of me too.

you chose to which side to look @ me.

nobody knows what is in the process.

nobody knows when is the next maint, and how long is gonna be.


i am not here to open war unlike you. i am here for attention from the staff, i want to know that you all care about your community\customers.

no one of the staff ever said "Sorry for the flashing bugs in BC we are working on it" it is always behind the wall.


best of luck working on fix's.

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So if you were old enough, you could find a positive posts of me too.

you chose to which side to look @ me.

nobody knows what is in the process.

nobody knows when is the next maint, and how long is gonna be.


i am not here to open war unlike you. i am here for attention from the staff, i want to know that you all care about your community\customers.

no one of the staff ever said "Sorry for the flashing bugs in BC we are working on it" it is always behind the wall.


best of luck working on fix's.


Obviously, I have to answer to false accusations like any normal human being, if I know how hard the staff works, if someone is gonna tell the opposite, I will argue with that person.

If someone made a false accusation of youself you would absolutely defend yourself and you cannot deny that.


I never said you only make negative posts, but you are judging the staff's work and dedication and most of all claiming that we do not care about this community when we are the only PT with the most hard and fun features, written and made by us, also we're not a big staff like other games and we still update this game weekly most of the times.


We are not perfect indeed, you can say that, but neither are any of us.

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'-' always rod awesner me when i call he *-*


Any time I can help, I will be there =)

I would just like to ask people to politely post their suggestions in a positive way to motivate us to keep working in this great game that we play since our childhood!


@luizlink64, I'm very sorry about this insignificant spam, but I had a few things to say... about your suggestion, we'll discuss it! ^^

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So if you were old enough, you could find a positive posts of me too.

you chose to which side to look @ me.

nobody knows what is in the process.

nobody knows when is the next maint, and how long is gonna be.


i am not here to open war unlike you. i am here for attention from the staff, i want to know that you all care about your community\customers.

no one of the staff ever said "Sorry for the flashing bugs in BC we are working on it" it is always behind the wall.


best of luck working on fix's.


Obviously, I have to answer to false accusations like any normal human being, if I know how hard the staff works, if someone is gonna tell the opposite, I will argue with that person.

If someone made a false accusation of youself you would absolutely defend yourself and you cannot deny that.


I never said you only make negative posts, but you are judging the staff's work and dedication and most of all claiming that we do not care about this community when we are the only PT with the most hard and fun features, written and made by us, also we're not a big staff like other games and we still update this game weekly most of the times.


We are not perfect indeed, you can say that, but neither are any of us.

if you look in my replies ull find that i say good stuff about sandurr developing skills.

all the community needs is your attention, talk with the costumers, ask maybe there are people who can help ? Like Luiz for example.

instead of looking for topics of people who flame each other, and waste time on them

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We do that all the time, even in-game, so that means your argument is invalid and false.

Don't worry where I waste my time at, I'm good at managing my time. :)


Again, you're telling me to see your posts and see that most of the times you say positive things about sandurr, you are always bashing donators and people who kill you at BC, your posts are mostly negative even if it's not towards the staff. Furthermore, if I click on a topic and I see a false accusation towards the staff, I will defend us even though I don't have to.


I don't think you believe in what you're saying yourself, since when you talk to me in-game I will gladly help you like any other player. But if you were referring to the staff not paying attention to the suggestions, yes we do but we can't reply to all of them, don't be so selfish and make your posts according to the rules, offending other players can also get you punished.

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Oh dont worry, my comment was towards the people who just post what we already know (that BC is bugged), instead of trying to figure out why the problems are happening and how they could be solved.



Ah, you guys could call me just DL, short for DarkLink64. I hate my forum nickname. When i made it I never thought the login would be the same as the forum nickname D:

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We do that all the time, even in-game, so that means your argument is invalid and false.

Don't worry where I waste my time at, I'm good at managing my time. :)


Again, you're telling me to see your posts and see that most of the times you say positive things about sandurr, you are always bashing donators and people who kill you at BC, your posts are mostly negative even if it's not towards the staff. Furthermore, if I click on a topic and I see a false accusation towards the staff, I will defend us even though I don't have to.


I don't think you believe in what you're saying yourself, since when you talk to me in-game I will gladly help you like any other player. But if you were referring to the staff not paying attention to the suggestions, yes we do but we can't reply to all of them, don't be so selfish and make your posts according to the rules, offending other players can also get you punished.

wasting time.

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