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Valkrons helpful hints

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Back in the days on RedemptionPT, i believe it was, some guy once posted this. I think its a good "hint-sheet". Soo enjoy!

(not made by me, just to be totally clear)


Valkron's Helpful Hints

Brought to you by the Devotion clan.


1.  The best defense is a good offense!

If you're trying to decide whether to upgrade your armor or your weapon, remember this tip!  Defense is important, but if you're not doing any damage, you're not going to get any XP.


Also, if you overwhelm your enemies with a barrage of high powered skills, you wont need to worry about how low your defense is because they'll never have a chance to hit you!  Thats the wonderful thing about being an archer with incredibly high POW.




2. Play music while you fight!

When XPing during the day, play music to keep your spirits up and your mind from getting numb. 

When XPing at night, play edgy and adrenaline-pumping music to keep you awake and your mind focused. 


I find that, when XPing whenever, I love listening to metal while I fight.  Theres something about inflicting massive axe wounds and heavy metal that goes together so well...




3. Partying, like Sam Adams, is always a good decision.

When attempting to gain good XP, 2 is the magic number.  Nothing beats a good duo (Except for a massive 10x killing spree!).  Any way you slice it, having a party will help you level faster.  Even if the XP is slower than it would be in a solo.. Having someone to fight alongside of will make you more focused and the game more enjoyable.




4. Use the environment to your advantage!

There are several different methods you can use to manipulate a spawn.  Here are a few examples.


"The Round Up"

For Archers, Atlantas, Mages (when using death beam and watornado), and anyone else who has a firing AoE skill.

Make sure you are in a spawn that you are comfortable with.  Enter it, and run a circle around the perimeter of it.  The monsters will mob together into a giant group in the center.  Move steadily around the mob, firing into it.  Drops may be hard to obtain using this method.



For Archers, Atlantas, Mages (when using death beam and watornado), and anyone else who has a firing AoE skill.

Simple.  Get your mob and move steadily away from it in one constant direction.  Fire back at it, and once the mob has depleted, return to the starting point, grab drops and start over.


"Threading the Needle"

Can be used by any character, but mainly archers and atlantas.

Gather your mob and round it up, or pull it with you.  Find a way to narrow the path of the mob, cramming all the monsters in at once and making some unable to move.  Good places to do this method are Beehive HS (There is a giant structure that forms a loop.  Drag the HS to the loop and fire into it to minimize damage and maximize kills.  This makes it so that more monsters will be hit by your AoE skill.)  and DS (The narrow staircases). 


Do what you can to ensure that you minimize damage done to you, and maximize damage dealt by you.




5. Keep the XP flow constant!

Why spend all your day leveling in Ricarten HS when you can spend your time talking to friends in a spawn where you don't have to worry about potting?  Even if you are only making .00001% an hour, its better than nothing!  And you can still talk to your friends.  Also, when high level people spend more time out of Ricarten, it will keep beggars out of Ricarten.  Which brings me to my next topic....




6. Don't Beg!

It is annoying.. And unproductive the majority of the time.  It takes just as much effort to type the words "ITENS PLXZZ" as it does to destroy a mob of gold mines and make 30k. 




7. Save the drama for your mama!

Personal lives can be a mess.  Everyone goes through tough times.. Thats understandable... But here at uPT, you have a community full of generous and friendly individuals who will accept you.  Try to keep your anger or sadness to the side while you play.  Its a video game-- Enjoy it  Dont let arguments get in the way of becoming a notable member of the uPT Continent!  We love you. <3




8.  Become one with your character!

Learn your limits.  Find comfortable ratios of potions.  Learn how long you can go without potting.. How fast you kill certain monsters.  The more you know about your character, the better you will be.


Also, not having to look at an opponents HP bar to know you've dealt the killing blow will save you valuable seconds. 




9. Keep your eyes open for passive skills.

I remade this hint to say that just because you arent making your character do crazy flips, strikes and stunts doesn't mean that you aren't being totally awesome.  Melee mastery is a passive skill, and probably the best fighter skill there is! (hehe jk, but its important to max that skill).  There are a lot of passive skills that suck, as pointed out to me by several people.  For one, Boost Health for the Fighter.  At level 10, it only adds 100hp (more easily acquired if about 110 points are put into STR).  Also, don't (unless you want to) max any of the ice/fire/poison/etc. passive resistance skills.  They suck xD




10. In rPT, Fun is number one!

XPing and hunting must provide at least a little entertainment...  Find skills that are fun to use!  I really love to use summonables  I also like skills such as Roar, Vanish, and Pheonix Shot.  Above all else in this game, do what makes you happy.


One way to do this is to get a toy!  Find an interesting looking weapon.. or one with interesting characteristics.. Or both!  Or.. a noob weapon, and make it really powerful!  Mine is a Fighter Spec. Sagitarius +1  Wear it with a shop open to attract customers and make the game more enjoyable for you.  Yeah you're real elite there with your +10 pole, Syndicate..




11. Maximize your carrying ability!

If you're going to be using your 1h, put the 2h in the WH!  This will give you valuable room to hold potions and drops.  If you need to, make a mule to hold all of your sheltoms or something.




12. Gambling BAD!

If you are about to spend all of your money to risk aging a weapon that has a chance of breaking, think again!  What happens if you spend all your money on it and it breaks?  You're left with nothing.  This happened to me, but I had wonderful clan members to get me back up on my feet.  I attempted to age my SB to +9.. I thought "8% chance of breaking.  I'm safe."  Guess what?  It broke.  Just be careful and use good judgement.  Don't make any risks unless you have backups, or a ton of money.




13. Low level ranged/AoE chars... Hire a tank!

If you don't have to take damage from mobs.. Don't!  Get someone to stand in a mob for you, while you destroy everything.  Crystals are a good investment too.  In doing this, 8x is reachable in a day without having to spend an insane amount of time playing.




14. Gold drops add up!

Picking up all gold drops, while tedious, will earn you a decent sum of money.  Consider this, those of you who never have any pocket change




15. Mix low, age high!

From equip levels 1-80ish, you should mix all equip (unless you are rich and have massive amounts of money to burn).  From there, aging is always better in the long run, but costs a lot.  Do what is best for you.




16. Always have something to fight for.

Motivation is the key for success.  Set reasonable goals for yourself constantly.  Remember--Improvement is like Jello... There is always room for more. 


A good way to do this is to buy equipment that is a few levels above yours, or that you don't have the stats for just yet.. and fight for it.  Keep challenging yourself, and pushing your limits.  (This hint works well in the real world too )




17. Good communication goes a long way.

My clanmates are constantly in eachother's ears.  Literally.  It really helps with leveling when you can have feedback, people to give you advice, direction, or that you can ask to have favors done.  Social skills really help in uPT.




18. Keep your money as money!

The price of items in constantly changing.  Keep mind of that and sometimes it can be used to your advantage.    However, to be safe, do not invest in sheltoms,  respec items, equipment, etc. unless you need them.  If you got a whole inventory like my sister...  you are out about 9kk per celesto (she is not happy about that). 




19.  Red Bull.

OMFG.  Red bull is amazing.  They should put labels on it that say "Will increase video game performance".  I swear.. Red Bull is responsible for my good SAT scores.




20. Don't let uPT get in the way of your life.

Although fun as heck, keep in mind that uPT is just a game.  Don't forget to spend more time leveling your human self than your virtual self.  Go ahead and get those cele gemmed Nikes that you've been eyeing.




And finally, 21. R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Respect yourself.  Respect other players.  Tolerate other races.. Religions.. Sexual Orientations..  Put all those things aside and show brotherhood to your fellow humans.  We all have one common interest here-- We love uPT.


Most of all, respect the GMs.  They take the time to provide this amazing game to us.  A few bugs here and there is nothing to cry about.  Besides, the customer service is WORLDS better than in any other version of Pristontale.  uPT FTW.


Just.. be nice. Please

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I remember reading some of these, and some of the advice are (Y)!


I would suggest others to read this through ^-^

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This topic is very important, everyone should read, keep it always in sight would be great.


Congrats !!!!!

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