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How come Iron core's monster give less exp then ad1/2/3?

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The title says all, I'm using the realmpt website to check the monsters exp. How come it's so low while their hp is so high?

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Thank you. another question related to the thread is why I'm gaining more exp in ad1 then ad2? Ad2 monsters give more exp but maybe that because I don't do enough damage? I'm a 130 prist well equiped.

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there is a lot of ranged mobs in ad2 (2 types). its hard to kill all of them.

maybe thats why ad1 is better for you and they are a lot stronger too.

now that prs has % dmg skill based on your attack power try use a better force but i dont know if it will help.

ad3 is the best! you are almost there xD



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