sahybe 0 Report post Posted December 20, 2015 Please, fix PRS damage. I have a PRS 13x nice equipes and i can't kill the r6 boss (UNDEAD), before changed the prs i always kill this boss. I think MGS very strong, Shaman too, but PRS become useless ... Whats the role for PRS? If u say "area dps" i asked u: Why i will make a PRS if MGS is better?? Need balance all class, please. :'( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Taethriel 10 Report post Posted December 20, 2015 I agree with r6 boss issue Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ex25 0 Report post Posted December 20, 2015 Please, fix PRS damage. I have a PRS 13x nice equipes and i can't kill the r6 boss (UNDEAD), before changed the prs i always kill this boss. I think MGS very strong, Shaman too, but PRS become useless ... Whats the role for PRS? If u say "area dps" i asked u: Why i will make a PRS if MGS is better?? Need balance all class, please. :'( Wait a while and see expert players saying that your character is weak and needs wand/staff+22 and Sol Force. Pathetic... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FlavioPunk 2 Report post Posted December 20, 2015 Please, fix PRS damage. I have a PRS 13x nice equipes and i can't kill the r6 boss (UNDEAD), before changed the prs i always kill this boss. I think MGS very strong, Shaman too, but PRS become useless ... Whats the role for PRS? If u say "area dps" i asked u: Why i will make a PRS if MGS is better?? Need balance all class, please. :'( Wait a while and see expert players saying that your character is weak and needs wand/staff+22 and Sol Force. Pathetic... Huahuahauhauahauahua Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tnrh1 24 Report post Posted December 20, 2015 Please, fix PRS damage. I have a PRS 13x nice equipes and i can't kill the r6 boss (UNDEAD), before changed the prs i always kill this boss. I think MGS very strong, Shaman too, but PRS become useless ... Whats the role for PRS? If u say "area dps" i asked u: Why i will make a PRS if MGS is better?? Need balance all class, please. :'( +1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marce2125 107 Report post Posted December 20, 2015 +1 +1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nicer 52 Report post Posted December 22, 2015 patch 4027 released the dmg has been increased by a lot (muspell adds atk pow and ice meteorite increased to 107%) would like to hear feedback from other priestess users as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Doug 1 Report post Posted December 22, 2015 patch 4027 released the dmg has been increased by a lot (muspell adds atk pow and ice meteorite increased to 107%) would like to hear feedback from other priestess users as well. I did some tests with my pris 12x and one 15x and both looks good to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
L 677 Report post Posted December 22, 2015 141 prs kills all ad3 mobs in 3 cast and all iron core mobs in 4 cast with 130+22 staff and you dont recieve damage from the monsters while using 2h because they all die in 3~5 seconds. was 60% now 102%..need be 75~85% Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nicer 52 Report post Posted December 22, 2015 adjust it to 85-90% and add a 10% AoE damage bonus to divine force Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chihiro 10 Report post Posted December 22, 2015 From the perspective of a 12x Priestess, the changes were very good indeed. At least now I am able to go lvl alone, just need a good force orb. I can't help but notice, though, that high level priestesses will be extremely OP. I don't believe the problem is in the percentages; they probably were fine in the last update too. The actual problem is in the damage from the wand. User @- D E A T H S T R O K E - adressed this one before saying that "there is a great disparity between the 10x weapons vs the 13x+ weapons" — thus the great difference in damage between the high level and lower level priestesses. Since the damage from the wand now plays a big role on final damage, it'd be important to revise those numbers before thinking about the percentages in the skills. Here's a link to the original post. It's in Portuguese, so I'll leave the English translation too: Even though those changes made the life of some people better, it also made things more difficult for lower-level characters. It's obvious their damage won't be the same as before. I might be wrong, but first they should change the spirit points needed to get +100% weapon's base damage from 160 to 130. Secondly, changes in the Staves and Wands would be very welcome. Just a reminder: the orb, robe, staff and HP formula were balanced in relation to the skills, and they changed a lot. Doing some math, using the average damage of the weapon = (min + max)/2, we get: between a 134 and a 110 Axe → 36% more damage between a 134 and a 114 Axe → 27% more base damage; between a 134 and a 116 Axe → 23% more base damage; between a 134 and a 120 Axe → 18% more base damage; between a 134 and a 126 Axe → 11% more base damage; between a 134 and a 130 Axe → 5% more base damage. In Swords, using 134's sword's average damage = 128.5 between a 134 and a 110 sword => 37% more base damage; between a 134 and a 120 sword => 22% more base damage; between a 134 and a 126 sword => 14% more base damage; between a 134 and a 130 sword => 7% more base damage; In scythes, using 134's schythe's average damage = 119 between a 134 and a 110 scythe → 30% more base damage; between a 134 and a 120 scythe → 14% more base damage; between a 134 and a 126 scythe → 9% more base damage; between a 134 and a 130 scythe → 5% more base damage. And so on. But one can already notice the figures are rather similar. In the staves, however, using the average damage from the 134 staff = 121,5: between a 134 and a 110 staff → 75% more base damage; between a 134 and a 120 staff → 34% more base damage; between a 134 and a 126 staff → 20% more base damage; between a 134 and a 130 staff → 8% more base damage. As we can see, this must be the reason for the 11x players' complaints. The second step, in this case, would be boosting the staves' damage taking the 134/130 average damage as the base before changing the percentages in the skills, because the staves were balanced so that it'd be worth trading them after a certain level. If the damage would increase only 5 or 6, no one would ever trade them due to the nearly static formula. As for wands, it seems to me that a boost is necessary, but not something too great, because it is nice that mages/priestesses have a moderate damage with one-hand weapons, so that they would need a tanker for AD1/AD2 for being able to grab their staves and clean the mobs away. As for the skills, out of the seven that have been changed, 6 got better (even with the bug in the Multi Spark, doing only a hit instead of the 4-7 it'd normally do), only the Vigor Ball got relatively weaker. In fact, the Ice Meteorite has a lot more damage per second than the Vigor Ball, even if they're both at max level — and it also freezes. Maybe it would be interesting that the VB had a lot of attack rating but less damage, and the Multi Spark had a lot of damage, but lower chances of hitting the target, the same as the Double Crash and Grand Cross skills. I think the changes from formulas to percentages are a very good step towards a more balanced game. Maybe, in the future, we may even find some priestesses in BC too? Have a nice day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sy 0 Report post Posted December 22, 2015 PRS useless? NEVER!!! PRS is so strong than mage and shaman pós-nerf the nerf in priestess can be for new skill of thunder maybe, if this, it's for balance Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nicer 52 Report post Posted December 22, 2015 I'd say leave as it is now, but reduce force orb effects by 50% on AoE in general. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marce2125 107 Report post Posted December 22, 2015 patch 4027 released the dmg has been increased by a lot (muspell adds atk pow and ice meteorite increased to 107%) would like to hear feedback from other priestess users as well. I only test in Ad3 and is ok for me now. I didn't test in IC or VB, i do that on wednesday. Cya. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyterror 2 Report post Posted December 22, 2015 I can kill r6 boss just have only inferna force sir thats prs 134 only Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nicer 52 Report post Posted December 22, 2015 Leave as it is now. We prs can finally kill in an average-to-good rate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites