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Tier 5 skill points

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Im level 88 and first time user of Tier 5 (long time user of the other skills). My build is

brandish - 10  // GC - 10 // SW - 10 // DS - 5 (will get any further points till 10) // Godly Shield - 5 (will be focused to 10) // God Bless - 7 (will be also focused to 10)



Whats the best skill to put points in the beginning ? And overall, what skill should I focus for upping ? I know there are other threads discussing about the skills, but none really tells what a Player should put skill points, and later in the game I will probably decide for myself, but right now I wish someone could tell me what to do.


and a final doubt, I have spent 1 point in Holy Justice. But I dont know if its necessary to spend 1 point there to unblock Holy Aura. Can I use Holy Aura without putting 1 point in Holy Justice, since holy justice is not working ?


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Brandish is needed if u want to train by urself, i think since lvl 95 you have to need Party with MG/PRS to lvl up because his AOE damage is weak, so you may want to remove it, but it's ur choice.


DS ? many people said to me that it only works in BC, but who knows ? maybe it changed, but i advised you to ask someone again.


Tier 1-3 skills u should use: GC, SW, HB, Holy Valor ( not now 'cause it's, wait a little for GM to fix it back, you can know it through Patch and the post in Townsquare), HI ( for hunt in high lvl ), DC ( to kill in PvP beside GC - high crit and higher damage than GC without Undead, but a little slower, maybe u can use it for hunt, maybe  ::) ), PA ( the last choice  ;D )

Tier4: GB, GS, DP

Tier5: only Undead Bane and HB, LS is sucks  :'( hope GM will fix it.


And yeah, you have to learn HJ first then HB  ;)

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thanks for your points  ;)


Im level 88, I will see where can I go by myself with brandish :P    It sucks the only way to up in this server is to have two accounts logged and one of them must be prs or mgs. I have always loved Knight , everytime every server I play knight, and I have always upped him alone in every server.


I dont remeber where, but I read defence in this server is fixed, it was working for real, so Drastic Spirit would make sense. But for what I have noticed in the moment drastic spirit seems useless as always, will try it more, in higher levels.

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