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Beginners questions, all feedback welcome :)

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Hi all :)


I used to play ept 10 years ago and I'm not familiar with all the new/rpt stuff so I decided to make a thread for all (possibly dumb) beginner questions. All feedback is appreciated! :)


These are some questions I currently have, will add more soon  :D :


-What exactly are exp/hunt/normal maps

-What are the crystal boss times? (first one is 12-14h but I forgot about the second one)

-what is the Colossi?


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Hi critzzz,


First of all, welcome. :)

.Exp maps - Maps that you will train at to increase your EXP faster, those maps are specifically the ones with daily and party quests (most of them)!

.Hunt maps - Maps that will take you a while to kill the monster, although drops decent items or sheltoms that get you some gold!

.Normal maps - Every map is normal :P


Crystal boss times are: 14-16h, 20-22h and 4-6h am!


When you say Colossi, you are referring to Hell's Gate I guess, It's a great way to test your luck and have some fun in a arena with loads of players fighting Bosses, after killing them they will be rewarded with a scroll that you must deliever it at 'General Sirius' who is chilling in Ricarten's bridge!

Hell's Gate gives alot of goodies, so I recommend you to do it whenever you reach the level required for it!


If you'd like to know more about it, read here: http://www.realmpt.net/hellsgate

And if you'd like to know which map is for Hunt and which is for EXPing, take a look here: http://www.realmpt.net/maps


We have guides in our main page for everything implemented in the game!  ;)


Have fun! ^^

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ty for the fast and comprehensive reply!


I have another one, I'm doing a lvl 100 quest and i have to find artifacts "carried by the elite archers of the army the island once had." But i cant figure out where the "cursed island of a lost civilization" is located. Anyone could lighten me up a bit? ty!

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how does crystal boss works ? why do they have times ?


At these times some crystals like mystery crystals give you the boss version, so at these times the crystal monsters are alot stronger :)

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Land of chaos should be the place ^^


Oh i finally found it lol :P ty. I think its not listed on the website

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how does crystal boss works ? why do they have times ?


At these times some crystals like mystery crystals give you the boss version, so at these times the crystal monsters are alot stronger :)


sorry for these dumb questions :)

Im also old PT player, Im returning to play in this nice server , but I was never used to crystals


so this works for every crystal that spaws random monsters ? Like Chaos crystal, Occult crystal ?


BTW my name in game is Anakinn, Ks, we did the Babel Quest together yesterday :)

When you get to level 100, if you want, we could do the quest "pirate's revenge" , its a party quest, can only be done in party :P

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Oooh cool Hi :D we can do the pirate quest together yeah, my ingame name is Critzz


The only crystals I know that can give you boss monsters are mystics and occult. chaos always give normal monsters in my experience :) Maybe someone else can list all crystals?

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All crystals give a boss version of the summoned monster during boss hours :)

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ooh ok, oops :D good to know


I have another one, what is a GB? It has something to do with coins right? How much much is 1k coins worth? like 500kk gold or something?

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ooh ok, oops :D good to know


I have another one, what is a GB? It has something to do with coins right? How much much is 1k coins worth? like 500kk gold or something?

A GB is a gold bar. You can buy those from a npc in Atlantis for 500kk gold. You can sell them to any npc to receive 500kk again. Its just to do trades with alot of gold involved since the maximum you can trade is 1kkk gold or to store more gold since the maximum you can store in warehouse is 2kkk gold.


I'm not sure of the exact price of GB (500kk gold) these days but I think its a little bit lower than 1000 coins, should be between 950-1000 coins

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Do people have 1 char / account if they trade or sell it or can you transfer a character to a different account?

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they sell/ buy the account, and all chars in it (usually its just 1 main strong char)


I think You can transfer a char to other account, but its expensive (a lot of coins) its not worth.

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Do people have 1 char / account if they trade or sell it or can you transfer a character to a different account?


Yes you can do that through coin shop ^^

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boss hour only effects crystals where there is a boss that matches the monster its summoning.  Therefore the arctic crystal which summons Frost Ancient, Chaos Cara, Devil Bird, and Cyclops Warrior. will not summon a boss because there is no boss version of those monsters (there is a new ice queen though, boss of chaos cara which spawns in Bellatra, is Ice Queen summon during boss hour possible??? That I do not know the answer to).  Same with Chaos Crystal as far as I know.  And it doesn't effect Legendary Crystals because those are already summon bosses.

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