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Fixes to Greedy

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And yes, I'm talking about the Ancient Weapon boss itself, Greedy.


After some runs with my friends, we were finally able to take down that fat thing. And guess what? Insanely bad drops.




(keep in mind it took us 1hr and 5 minutes)


But you know? I said: "Ehh, maybe it's just bad luck, let's try again"


once again, after an insane fight and a lot of ressurection scrolls lost:




(PandadeFerro had Third Eye activated in both fights, and we let her last hit it)

I mean, Greedy is supposed to be the last and the strongest boss in the game since Midranda isn't out yet.

It takes so much effort to kill it, and the 'reward' isn't worth it.


Can we have an increased drop rate please?

As Wartale himself said here:


Greedy is supposed to be killed in a group, not by solo. And it has a pretty good droprate


and the changes made in patch 3388:


Improved Greedy's drop rates


Oh yea, and one more thing.


The regen change made in patch 4018:


Boss monsters will now only regenerate once per each player's death, meaning that the same player can no longer keep dying multiple times in attempts to force the Boss to regenerate


ISN'T working at all.

As I said, we died a few times to Greedy, and it regenerated every death.

We tested the following:

'Die to Greedy once it spawns, so, even if we die during the fight, it won't regen'.

NOPE, it still regens.


Thank you for your attention.


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Very nice information bro, hopefully GM does something about this

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I know what you did. You can not intent to die the first time when the boss in full HP so that you wont regen the boss anymore if you die again and again. Your action is to make your team kill greedy easy. I can solo kill Greedy if Greedy can not regen because multiple die of a player.

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I know what you did. You can not intent to die the first time when the boss in full HP so that you wont regen the boss anymore if you die again and again. Your action is to make your team kill greedy easy. I can solo kill Greedy if Greedy can not regen because multiple die of a player.


mmm, alright, you can solo greedy.

fyi Greedy summons 2 Asselos every 5 minutes or so (maybe less).


of course we want to make the fight easier LOL, what's your point? "Urr, let's play hard mode vs the strongest boss in the game".


We gave up though, too much effort for no real rewards.

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so the last boss in the game should drop something amazing every single time? you show drops from killing it twice. get over it stop crying and kill it more.

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so the last boss in the game should drop something amazing every single time? you show drops from killing it twice. get over it stop crying and kill it more.


oh hello there, such a nice comment.


adds a lot to the discussion.

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