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For ORB (Def / Abs) x Blk

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Hi guys...


About ORB's my question is: Go for age (higher defense) or go for mix (higher block). Abs still similar with age and mix.


Just exemple:  +22 Aeon Orb = 33.3 abs / 1709 def / 15% blk

                    +19 Freyja orb = 30.0 abs / 1449 def / 16% blk

                  SolMix Orbitron = 30.0 abs /  628  def / 22% blk / +100HP


Why those exemples?... Since i'm lvl 137, those itens fit exactly with lvl 137. Some can give me some oppinion?



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You are forgetting something very important: 100 def = 1 abs                            ABS ON CHAR


Just exemple:  +22 Aeon Orb = 33.3 abs / 1709 def / 15% blk                  -  33,3+17 = 50,3 abs

                    +19 Freyja orb = 30.0 abs / 1449 def / 16% blk                    -  30,0+14,4 = 44,4abs

                  SolMix Orbitron = 30.0 abs /  628  def / 22% blk / +100HP    -  30,0+6,3 = 36,3 abs



Here you see the great difference btw age and mix


Hope it helps

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Oh. Thats helps alot guys/girls.


I remember ppl always saying that blk > abs > def, so thats i was wondering about this stats...

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