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Best place to train for lvl 100

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What are the best places to train in level 100?

For EXP?

For Drop?


please name best places for each of the above to train in lvl 100. Thanks,

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sorry for being noob but by md1 you mean mystery desert 1? it has lame drop... just. for EXP i agree, but what about drop? where is the best drop for lvl 100?

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sorry for being noob but by md1 you mean mystery desert 1? it has lame drop... just. for EXP i agree, but what about drop? where is the best drop for lvl 100?

From lvl 95 exp map and hunt maps are seperated.

So at the exp maps nothing drops except gold, potions, mature stones, skill crystals and respec stones (gyfu, nied, jera and dagaz, dagaz only at the higher maps though 120+ i think)


The highest hunt map you can go at lvl 100 is Lost Island.


You can check all the maps here: http://www.realmpt.net/maps

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like lummel says, maps hunt/xp are seperated.



95  MD1

100 MD2

105 MD3



95  ice2

100 lost1

105 lost2

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