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a suggestion and questions

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my suggestion is to have quests that will give skill points

it should be more then 1 quest, at least 3 i think

whatever the quest is, the reward will be 1 skill point of your choice in either

regular skill points Tier 1-3

Elite skill points Tier 4

or RSP Tier 5 ( i am assuming there will be a cap on these points like the rest )


i think this will help balance characters even more since everyone can choose any tier

not sure if something like this is possible but i think it would be nice to have.




and my question is about event girl, is it really only the first 3 days of month?

or are we keeping it forever?


also do the the critical and evade scrolls in special shop work?

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about event girl, it's the first 5 days. And if you asked if they sell crit and evade scrolls in special shop, so yes, they do.

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i love it 50%


event girl should be 1 week i think but w/e 5 days is good, so people wont abuse skills changing etc etc


every1 will hav to pick a certain build on their char like every other mmorpg


event girl every month is like a real event mainly, insted of 24/7

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would have to do something to make a + quests for tier 5


will have.. just wait :D

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i think that event girl should show up during the folowing days of the month:





it would be better than just the first 5 days

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IMO, 5 days is even more then enough.. should be 2 days only, like in the 15th and 30th (or something like that).

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IMO, 5 days is even more then enough.. should be 2 days only, like in the 15th and 30th (or something like that).


omg no event girl in february Oo

joking xD

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I personally disagree with anymore SP/EP than this current system, this amount of points makes you really sit down and decide exactly how you want your character to be.


like a knight/pike: with this system you can make them very defensive/very offensive or something in the middle and not have it all.

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Agreed to this. Wartale will put many efforts on this. He will put plenty of quest soon.  8)

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