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crafting/smelting system? :(

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Hiho, I remember that when I used to play  you could get armor/weapon recipes from monsters and craft them with Salon on ricarten

here that system doesnt exists or something? it was funny to craft your own weapons and armors with runes :( can a gm answer me why in here we cant? :( I think realmpt is even better that the original PT but it lacks of something I love :(

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Welcome :)


Yeah we never implemented it because we were never quite sure if we wanted it. You liked it alot?

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Thank you :)


Yep I liked it a lot, looting the recipes, going to drop ores to make crystals and then runes xD it was funny, and I know that I'm not the only one who likes this system. Could you implement it on the next update please? :( making our own gear with runes and recipes would help to those players who don't have lots of gold, and it would make them play more time. Thanks in advance

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