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4 questions

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1. how do i set my "fire elemental" to be automatic - always (default) ?


2. how do i pm some in game (where he is far from me) ?


3. how do i sent party request from far (where he is far from me) ?


4. where can i find drop for 1XX ? Im level 106 , the best drop until now is in the Gallibua Valley , is there any better ? (which level i should be to get items for 1xx)?

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2. use /:andname

3. use //party andname

4. buy in personalshop sever A Ric hueheuheuh

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no idea about 1 ?


and about 4, thats what im doing :( have no money, need to find a better drop place

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1. I think is not possible to set default at the moment. (You could make a topic about it on Suggestions Section)


4. The best place to make drops is Gallubia valley, in your current level. You will always only be able to loot in maps that drop items below your level. Items for your level you must to get money and buy from another players. The best way to make money is selling trash itens looted to NPC, or collect the gold droped by monsters. (Ice 1 or 2, iron 2, for ur level). Since you reach 11x you will be able to go to Endless Tower, where has a NPC really closer to the monsters you hunt.

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1. how do i set my "fire elemental" to be automatic - always (default) ?


like saintssin said

double clic on elemental icon


2. how do i pm some in game (where he is far from me) ?


like lh3n2pt said

example /:nickname


3. how do i sent party request from far (where he is far from me) ?


like lh3n2pt said

example: //party nickname


4. where can i find drop for 1XX ? Im level 106 , the best drop until now is in the Gallibua Valley , is there any better ? (which level i should be to get items for 1xx)?


95  gallubia

100 lost island

105 lost temple

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