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I just started this server and i have a few questions.

1) Are there many english speakers that play this server? i see a lot of BR players, but i dont speak portuguese

2) Which class should i make as first starting class?

3) Is it very hard to level up and find gear?

4) any tips for a new player?


Thank you all!

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1)>ther is good amount of english speaking players on this server

2)> imo the best toon to start whit is a magican since they have higher dmg an aoe in earlier lvls ( but you should take a class that you find the most fun to play )

3)> lvleing is pretty easy and the Quests helps alot hardest point to lvl is from 90 to 95 after that its pretty easy to 115 whit quests an dailys

4)> theres alot of guides on the forum under Townsquare > Armory. also toons guides under charecter strats ( would also look into all the quests )


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