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Hello dears,


Let me ask u something..what's the deadline of those server caravans? There's some final date of use, or its not a event? Sorry for my sincerity, but it's one of the stupidiest things Ive ever seen. It lags you on Ric, lags you on maps, not counting some kind of situations when you're killing a boss, and any noob send his caravans trying to loot you drops. Thats boring.


Ricarten is already full of players, full of npcs, it lags you everywhere. We should discuss different ways to get it better, to get it cleaner, but it doesnt happen. Caravan's totally useless, in my opinion. It should be terminated, once for all.

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First, caravans don't  loot drops, so how does someone steal your drops with a caravan?

Second, caravan is one of the game's best features and no one agrees to remove it since it's only became useful for people to carry their pots, equips in the caravan.

Third, no reason to remove something that gave us alot of work to implement and design.

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Wartale, I wanna make a challenge for you. Try to kill Valento and get some drops with 3 caravans under the boss. Im not saying that caravans LOOT the drops by itself, Im talking about bad ways to use it.


Im sure you guys had a lot of work implementing it, and I respect that. Thats just my opinion, server is already too full. We should discuss ways to make it cleaner.

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Wartale, I wanna make a challenge for you. Try to kill Valento and get some drops with 3 caravans under the boss.


I believe if you press the letter 'A' in your keyboard, you won't be able to click on the caravans and you'll see the drops much better as well?

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Wartale, I wanna make a challenge for you. Try to kill Valento and get some drops with 3 caravans under the boss.


I believe if you press the letter 'A' in your keyboard, you won't be able to click on the caravans and you'll see the drops much better as well?


Hahaha, u didnt get my point Wartale, but ty anyway  :)

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what he means is the caravan makes kind of a wall and blocks you to loot.

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what he means is the caravan makes kind of a wall and blocks you to loot.



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They should remove the collision factor from the caravans.


Thats perfect, I agree. That would solve the problem.

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I agree it would be nice to be able to walk right through a caravan.

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