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Rpt with linux

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Someone know if rpt work with ubuntu ?

it still should , it worked years ago with mandrake/mandriva too. but what kernell u use , and it also depends on the performance of ur system u can get everything to run even if u have to use a vbox. but u rly want that ? u know it eat less  of ur system if u just have any win version installed xD , hdds are now big  and cheap so u can have  as many os as u want.


what i want to say is u can run everything but do u rly need ?


-edit--- i just remembered why i stoped using linux to play orpgs , there was in the past always a problem with anticheat software like gameguard / xtrap ect.

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I really like ubuntu. However I have a high performance machine and some peripherals that require windows software to work, and it makes me somewhat away from ubuntu.


In my country these components are not cheap. HDDs and SSDs are still "new." And their price high of more, in my opinion not worth buying.

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I really like ubuntu. However I have a high performance machine and some peripherals that require windows software to work, and it makes me somewhat away from ubuntu.


In my country these components are not cheap. HDDs and SSDs are still "new." And their price high of more, in my opinion not worth buying.


erm hdd= is ur harddisk , it is new in ur country? how does ur high performance machine run Oo on cd? dvd? bluray? uhd?archival disc? :P ::)

well anyway not worth the work in my opinion

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sorry there was a translation error. What I meant is that it has kind of HD.


here hd traditional is cheaps but slowly.


hd hybrid (with sdd include) and ssd are expensive. In my opinion is not Worth buying.

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usa este, ja tem winrar nativo e n precisa usar akele negocio q parece fusao de bloco de notas com cmd onde tem q digitar codigo pra abrir as coisas em alguns linux feiosos

so dar 2 clic no .exe e deu... funciona todos games de boa


esse é o q eu uso no pc de vez em quando


e é BR



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Yes it works, I play rpt with wine.


Example with Ubuntu and wine 1.8 (change version to suit your needs might work better on 1.7.x)


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install wine1.8 wine-mono4.5.6 wine-gecko2.40


mkdir -p ~/bin

cd ~/bin && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Winetricks/winetricks/master/src/winetricks

chmod +x winetricks


./winetricks d3dx9

./winetricks crypt32

./winetricks msasn1

./winetricks secur32

./winetricks vcrun2003

./winetricks vcrun2005

./winetricks winhttp

./winetricks wininet


# Wherever you downloaded / extracted rpt

wine launcher.exe


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